This is a very long post, but I hope you will read it all in hope - TopicsExpress


This is a very long post, but I hope you will read it all in hope that it may bless you as much as God has blessed me lately... Its always been a long held belief of mine that NOTHING happens in this world through happenstance, and it was Mike Johnson, the pastor who lead me to Christ, that said, There is no panic in heaven -- only plans...and there is no plan B, because God got it right the first time! I recently returned from an amazing mens conference in Nashville, where I had the great honor of hearing former 43rd president of the United States, George W. Bush. We also got to hear comedian Michael Jr. -- wonderful christian who has been on Comedy Central, Jay Leno. One of his funniest jokes was how he talked about not being able to understand some southern accents. He said, Some of you folks around here speak with so much twang in your accent, that I have a hard time understanding some of you. What language is that? Banjo? He went on to talk about the constructs of comedy and how there is a build up, and then there is a punchline. He went to relate it to how we as Christians live our lives up to a certain point which he called the buildup -- as we are sort of in a practice mode -- as if we are being prepared for something, and when Gods miraculous plan comes full circle, then there is the punchline -- or payoff. Over these past few months, I have seen Gods flawlessly orchestrated plan surrealistically pan out before me -- and not just in my life; but in the lives of my family and friends as well. The blessings we have encountered are too innumerable to count, and I cant even begin to list them all. This post has been a long time coming, because the fulfillment I have been feeling in my heart has been too much to keep it to myself. Over the past -- 7-8 years Id say; it has been a long, hard, and weary journey to where I am now...and still, I feel like the adventure is only beginning Some of you have heard my testimony, and the background Ive come from, and known the trials Ive endured. So many of you have been there right by my side to help me get through it, and I will always been eternally grateful for your support. Back in 2008, I graduated from Pivot Point with a cosmetology license -- with the eagerness to be the next Paul Mitchell. My cosmetology career quickly ended soon after getting my license after three unsuccessful attempts to make a go of it at three different salons. By the end of the third try, my grandfather became pretty much housebound, and someone was needed to step in to take care of him. Since I wasnt working at the time, and because of so many financial obligations it was impossible for my mom to quit her job to take care of him; so, the job fell to me...and I would gladly do it again if given the chance to do it over again. My grandfather was probably the single most, and biggest influence on my life who made me who I am to day. No more flattering complement can be paid to me than by saying, Youre just like your grandfather!... So, for the next four years I was his caregiver until his passing on March 23, 2011 (the same day as Elizabeth Taylor). Aside from the grieving process, It wasnt easy transitioning out of those patterns of caring for my grandfather, and that attempts to reenter the workforce were extremely difficult. It was also during this time -- being at a very low ebb, and feeling like my cosmetology career was a complete failure, I took a years worth of online classes in graphic design from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I hesitated on this decision because I already had a large enough student loan that I had no idea how I was going to pay off, and doubling the amount owed was truly frightening. Always believing that whatever God orders, he pays for, I filled out the financial aid paperwork with the confidence that if this was in His will, that it would go through without a hitch...and, it did! So, I can say that I am resting in the confidence that this debt will be eliminated at some point in my life -- however that may manifest itself, I am not yet sure. After my grandfathers passing, and also after a years worth of rejection, and the countless times I heard, Well, well keep your application on file, and if we have any opening, well be sure and let you know -- I finally gave up job hunting altogether and really may no other attempts until after the first of this year. My mother had seen ad for a new salon in the area advertising for licensed cosmetologist, and told me about it. Why dont you go and check this out? I just dont know if I can do it, was my response. You wont even try! She was completely right, I had pretty much given up on life altogether and that I had resigned myself to - and maybe even been a little content with the fact that I was doomed to be a failure. It wasnt a few days later, that I had seen the same ad, and I thought to myself, Well...probably wont do any good...but ah, what the hell! The entire process of the getting ready for the interview was a very sweaty and uncomfortable ordeal as I had myself so worked up -- expecting failure. To make a long story short(er), I got a job at Hariology Salon owned by Daniel and Katt McClain, and it couldnt have been a better set up, as they are both Christians, and have a wonderful heart for the lord. I know my mother and I had many conversations about how God would use me, and what has has destined me for. I know Ive always had so many loves -- such as art, photography, music, and theatre, and I have always loved all, you can imagine how difficult it has been for me in life to confine myself to just one venue...I have never been able to do it. Well Doug, did you ever think that God may be bringing you to a place where you maybe able to to use all of your gifts in one place? Thats why I feel like you put limits on where God takes you, and you also put limits on yourself, mom has told my many times. I am feeling more and more that I may be in THAT place right now -- and really its in the most unlikely place that I thought I would ever return to. I thought my cosmetology career was over. Here I have tapped into an arsenal of creativity - not just in hair design, but in art, graphic, photographic, and and added bonus, interior design. But the blessings dont stop there. My family has nearly tripled in the last month or to with the addition of Daniel and Katt McClain who are not just my employers, but I consider to be very close and dear friends! And also to my little brother Adam Levasseur, who got baptized into the family of Christ today...I was a blubbering mess, lemme tell ya. There are more blessings even beyond these paragraphs, but it would be impossible to list them all, but I want to PRAISE GOD, publicly as I feel led to do, and because He is more than worthy! I am tagging some individuals in this message because I really want them to see this post, and realize that they have meant something very special to me. While I love all my family and friends - and really wish to leave no one out, these individuals I would like to specially recognize them as they have been a special part of my life for very various reasons -- known and unknown. God Bless you all.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 20:53:22 +0000

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