This is a very simple FREEDOM ritual you can use during the - TopicsExpress


This is a very simple FREEDOM ritual you can use during the ceremony to release that which holds you from reaching your intentions A Freedom Ritual for Your Soul What you need: Something to represent that which you wish to release fire (whether it is a small fire outside or a small fire proof container - large enough to hold what you wish to release symbol) Begin by making yourself comfortable and taking deep breathes inward through your nose and exhale through your mouth. We relax to allow the flow of energy to carry our thoughts. Light your fire or if you are doing this in a journey - Imagine that you are standing before the fire. Ceremony has begun. It is a magnificent fire, powerful and beautiful. See the flames. Flames burning brightly. The flames of our Eternal Flame of Love within you. Sense the expansion of the flames. Pause and deep breathe once more. Surrounding the fire in your sacred circle are all your ancestors. All your guides. Knowing deep within that you are safe and protected. Supported. Your inner flame awakens from the simple embers to a flame burning brightly. You hear the whispers of the winds, “you are ready”. You know that you are ready to pour all the burdens into the fire allowing the chains that have bound you to melt away. Every experience, every obstacle, every emotion that holds you. Every fear. All ready to be gifted to the fire to be transformed into ash. Ash that can compost your burdens into new birth. Your breath blows into the bundle. Blowing the old patterns, the old memories into the bundle. When you are ready you know you are compelled to toss the bundle into the Eternal flames of the fire. Watching the fire encompass it as it burns. Breathing deeply inhaling the smoke as all surrounding the sacred circle stands with you. Remain until that last ember of the bundle is gone. Thank your ancestors, your guides, all which stood with you in the sacred circle for their support and protection. Once the fire is gone to ash, dig a hole and pour the ash into the hole. Lay upon your belly so that you may blow directly into the ash, into the hole, anything that remains. Cover the hole with dirt allowing Mother Earth to transform the energies of you past into the freedom of release. Upon your knees speak the words of intention, it matters not how many times you have made the attempt before to release, accept the grace of the energy. While this may seem to be a ritual of too simple exercises to negate the powers of the chains that bind you, do not underestimate the power of intention, the power of action, and the power of action. The Great Mystery of Spirit is held within your own being to tap into and allow flowing. Remember that this is a simple ritual, use your own path in creating the sacred space and calling in your own guides and ancestors in the way that is most comfortable to you. I was instructed for my own needs to repeat this ritual three nights in a row. Allow your own intuition to guide you on when you should perform and how many times you need to perform.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 11:11:05 +0000

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