This is a very touching story from one of our patients, that we - TopicsExpress


This is a very touching story from one of our patients, that we know all parents can relate to. This young boy is a super star and is back to smiling....and so are we! He had such a great attitude through his emergency appointments and recovery. Thank you Allison for sharing...... Hi Neighbor! (written in MainLineNeighbors) I was in my kitchen, about to bake some cookies for my family. My 2 teenage daughters were oddly home wanting to hang out with us and chill at home. My son was happily playing outside with his besties. My hubby was on the side deck reading his book. Sun was shining. It was Friday at 6pm. I was looking forward to winding down after a hectic week on a beautiful, sunny Friday evening. I was content. We all seemed to be content. Until ... through the door comes my panicked son. Both hands clasped over his bloody face. Tears in his eyes. Uncomfortably moaning. Whole body shaking. Oh dear.... this was bad. Really bad. Buh-Bye teeth, hello ER. If you have ever been privy to the deep pain of a loved one, emotional or physical, it hurts. Truly hurts. I swear I could feel that same pain that Mikey was feeling after his face directly and rapidly met the pavement. This was empathy at its finest. I am not kidding, my teeth felt his pain. Empathy is having a personal connection to a persons pain and you can feel it as if it were your own. Many confuse empathy with sympathy when in reality they are very different emotions and responses. This quirky little video actually explains the difference quite well. It will make you stop and think about what to say the next time you are alongside someone who is in pain. One thing is for certain, this world could use some more empathy! Thankfully, it has all worked out and my little buddy has some brand new choppers. I would like to send a huge shout-out of luv and thanks to our friends Dr. Jim and Drs. John and Keith who helped bring Mikeys smile back to us. Never a dull moment round here, thats for darn sure! #LifeIsWhatHappensWhileYouAreBusyMakingOtherPlans. Peace! Allison
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:07:09 +0000

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