This is a wonderful letter to the editor of TDA from Ms. Evelyn - TopicsExpress


This is a wonderful letter to the editor of TDA from Ms. Evelyn Luton. it personifies my philosophy. Thank you Ms. Luton for your input. The Daily Advance Saturday, November 8, 2014 There has been a change of priorities in my lifetime. I graduated from high school in 1932, in the middle of the Great Depression. I was 15 years old, valedictorian of my class with over a 97 percent four-year average in my classes. My dream had always been to be an accountant. I couldn’t go to college, however, because there were no scholarships, no money to borrow, and my Dad’s bank was the first one we heard of closing, his life savings gone. These Depression years were impossibly difficult to live through. The way we got through them was by remembering that Jesus said to love our neighbors as ourselves. Everyone did all they could for each other. Teachers, like everyone else, were paid very little but wanted to give every child a chance for a good life. Now, instead of putting our tax money to help teachers and students, we are paying a few students to go to charter schools while charging students to take driver’s education courses. Let’s get our priorities back to helping teachers give every child the best education possible. Having lived through the many years of the Hoover Depression, I think President Obama has done the best possible job on the economy, and he’s done it with no support. The very same day he was inaugurated, the Republicans met to see how they could keep him from being re-elected, not to get back the hundreds of thousands of jobs lost by the Bush administration. They didn’t want Obama to get jobs back at a rapid rate because that would help him get re-elected. Putting their partisan interests ahead of the best interests of the American people and the country is inexcusable. Whether one likes the president or not, he was elected twice by the people, and all should work together for the best interest of the people and our country. EVELYN LUTON
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 02:03:18 +0000

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