This is a wonderful letter written by my friend and client - TopicsExpress


This is a wonderful letter written by my friend and client Hello, my name is Bethany, and two years ago my boyfriend and I made the big decision to adopt a dog from our local animal shelter. After much thought and research, we adopted a very sweet and extremely energetic German/Australian Shepherd mix we named Rex. Rex has been such a wonderful addition to our lives since the very beginning. He is the most cheerful dog I have ever known. After seeing how he uplifted our lives so much, we decided two months later to adopt a second dog (German/Husky mix) we named Riley. Riley has an extremely kind and gentle soul and upon meeting Riley, I noticed coyness and reluctance to trust others. I could sense he needed a strong, loving family to uplift him from his possibly abusive past he may have had. Immediately after introducing Riley into our home with newly established Rex, Riley showed intense signs of fearful aggression towards Rex. I could tell right away this was not going to be a smooth and care-free transition for my two dogs. I began to regret, in a way, bringing Riley home into a once stable and happy home with only Rex. All I wanted was a second dog to be a friendly companion for Rex. After knowing Jami from our workplace for several years, I knew she was the expert to turn to in a time like this. Jami has a tremendous passion and talent for helping both dogs and people alike. Jami Loves Dogs trains the humans rather than their furry companions in order for us to become stronger and more assertive pack leaders. Jami taught me to be the leader of my pack of two, and not to allow Riley’s domination over power the overall balance of our pack/family. After merely two months of Jami’s guidance and both of our constant dedication and effort towards uniting my two new dogs, I saw tremendous improvement. Riley no longer growled or lashed out at Rex through the glass sliding doors. I couldnt even imagine the two dogs being near one another without the protection of the glass door. Jami helped me crate train my dogs in my back yard at various distances apart from one another until, over time, we had the two crates touching one another! This was amazing progress in my eyes. Soon Jami and I made the great step of releasing the two dogs at opposite ends of the house into the back yard in order for the dogs to interact without any nervous human energy possibly throwing them off into a whirl-wind of aggression or territorialism. I was in awe at what I witnessed. My two dogs were showing absolutely no signs of aggression whatsoever! Riley was practically ignoring Rex as if he never had any issue with him. I felt ecstatic! As the days progress I am more and more amazed with the progress my dogs have made with much thanks to Jami. I couldnt have asked for a better outcome or a better “people trainer.” Jami Loves Dogs has helped give my two shelter dogs a life-long home that is happy and secure. Today Rex and Riley are close brothers whom love to wrestle together and run on the sandy beaches of Ventura County. I would highly recommend Jami Loves Dogs to anyone seeking a patient, passionate leader to take charge of any situation and make a stronger leader to any pack. I will definitely call Jami for any future doggy dilemma or question I may have. Sincerely, Bethany, Rex and Riley Bode
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 02:43:16 +0000

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