This is a wonderful testimony. Please take the time to read it I - TopicsExpress


This is a wonderful testimony. Please take the time to read it I know you will be blessed. We were coming home after attending a wonderful multi-church Thanksgiving fellowship in Rainsville tonight. I always am blessed to see Pentecostals get together with Baptists, Methodists and Non-denominational churches, and I think 7 churches were represented tonight. GLORY! THAT is a testimony in itself, but that isnt the testimony I want to bless you with. We were just a short way away from our house, on Co Rd 18, and had been following a flatbed truck that was driving unusually slow down the road. We almost got to highway 71, and the truck stopped beside a car that was headed toward us. It seemed like they were visiting in the middle of the road. I waited patiently for a while, then flashed my lights so they would move out of the way. The truck pulled forward, and the driver of the car passed by us. The driver of the truck got out and apologized for taking our time, but asked if we had seen a little black dachshund running around the neighborhood. He went on to tell us that the dog had been missing since Friday morning, and that it was a service dog for PTSD. I told him we hadnt seen it, but we would keep our eyes open for it. Then I asked him his name and asked him if we could pray for his dog. He introduced himself as Justin and agreed and I prayed that he would find his dog tonight. We only live about a half a mile from where we met him, and when we got home, I told Michelle that I felt like I needed to go look for the dog. Its night, Its dark. But I really felt like I needed to go. I had a thought that I would find the dog for a testimony of Gods Glory to this man. Our friend Marc volunteered to go with me. So we got some bright flash lights, and took off down the road. We drove to the end of 18 and took a right and drove very slowly about 3 miles, then we turned around, and drove out to College Road, turned around and drove back down 18. I saw a lady standing on her porch smoking a cigarette and was about to ask her if she saw the dog, and the man who had lost the dog came up to us. He was walking, and going from house to house. I told him we were looking for his dog, He appreciated it, and I asked him if he had checked a few specific houses, and one that I mentioned he had not. So Marc and I drove in a huge circle to get to this particular house, and we asked the people if they had seen a dachshund. They had not, but I got to invite them to our fellowship on Saturday night. On our way back, I told Marc Man, I was absolutely certain we were going to find that dog. We turned on 18 once more and saw Justin again, and he told us that he was just going to call it a night. We talked a while, and he asked if I would give him a ride back to his fifth wheel, I said Sure. He assured me he wasnt a killer as he got in the back seat. I laughed and said Im not worried about that bro. If you were, you would just hurry me to my destination! He told me that was a good outlook. I started to tell him about our fellowship on Saturday night. I told him he was welcome to come visit any time. He told us how he had served in the army, and I thanked him for his service. We pulled into his yard, and the conversation switched to the dog. I told him I had been sure we were going to find the dog, and when he started talking about the possibility that the dog had fallen victim to Coyotes, I told him Nah, we wont believe that, bro. I am sure he is all right. If anything, someone just probably took him in. Im believing you are going to find him. He told me he hoped so, because the thing meant a lot to him. Just then the dog came running up to the car! I saw him first, and said, Hey, man, I think your dog is back! He had the back door of the car open, and his dog jumped in on his lap! What a wonderful reunion! He was weeping, and he said, Wow, man. I dont know what to say! He buried his head in the dogs fur, and said Thank You, God! I said Thats the best thing you could say. He was absolutely speechless. Hallelujah! We were able to encourage and pray with him a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord for the dogs safe return. He kept on saying I am so glad I met you two! Such gratitude and raw emotion was displayed by this man. And the Name of Jesus was Glorified. I think I will see more of Justin. He rides a Harley. I really dont think hell have a problem riding with me and my Honda some day. That just happened less than an hour ago. Whats YOUR situation? Gods Got it.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 04:23:35 +0000

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