This is absolutely right on the money. Hands down. I - TopicsExpress


This is absolutely right on the money. Hands down. I posted the following quote on my Facebook Timeline: Some have said, Youre an astrophysicist, why are you speaking on GMOs?. The simple answer, in this case, is that I was asked. -Neil deGrasse Tyson Then, someone commented: The simpler answer would have been....Not my field of expertise. And although I get the point of that comment, I also get that Not my field of expertise also applies to those who have formed campaigns against GMOs in general, and Monsanto, in particular... as well as the many people who follow, share and help promote those ideas. For instance, March Against Monsanto was founded by Tami Canal. Canal describes herself as a stay-at-home mom who became increasingly angry every time I would go to the grocery store and spend a small fortune to ensure I wasnt feeding my family poison. Yes, of course she has the right to do that and people are free to follow, march and help her promote all that. However, if Canal has any background in science at all, I have yet to find it. Ive looked. Im confident that Tyson has more knowledge about in science, in general, than does Tracy Canal or that fear mongering conspiracy theorist, Mike Adams, who runs Natural News. And the Tyson quote is an excerpt from a rather long status. The rest of what Tyson had to say on that is here https://facebook/notes/neil-degrasse-tyson/partial-anatomy-of-my-public-engagement/10152261912385869
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 00:10:51 +0000

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