This is accurate for most of mankind. However, my physical world - TopicsExpress


This is accurate for most of mankind. However, my physical world vibrations are at an all time high. This I suppose would be expected to be #TheArchitectOfPeace of this reality. I have high vibrations as a physical world vessel, likewise, as an infinite being of Spiritual Light. What can you imagine would you and all of mankind were on the same vibrational level that I exist on in this world. Our species would not be the way that it is right now. Darkness and Light both exist, and both will continue to exist, however; the ratio of Light to dark will be from a theoretical global collective consciousness ratio of 75/25 (Dark/ Light) to 80/20 (Light/ Dark). The latter representational ratio would ensure that our collective consciousness would be strong enough, as a collective species, living within this reality in a vastly different existence than we live in today. The negative circumstances and experiences one has would not be as prevalent as they are for most of us, through no fault of our own. There would exist within the scope of Mankinds collective worldly conscious that would radiate a high vibration of positive energy, which would radiate out into the Universe, attracting and connecting with the infinite Light of the Source. Through this connection of energy emitted from the Source back to us here on planet Earth will usher in the begging of a new beginning. More and more people will be waking up from their dream to the realizations of who and what they really are. Moreover, why we are here as a collective species. The severely broken, unjust, climatically flawed, decaying social system regime of false power and control will begin to crumble, giving way to new ways of living with one another in a social system that more clearly resonates with what will be Mankinds realization of #Truth. On begins the most long awaited event in Human History, besides the beginning of our species becoming what it is now today- #ModernMan, dominant #BeingOfHigherIntelligence floating on a living rock, infinte in coinnection to #OneSelf, #OneSpecies, #OneWORLD, and #OneUniverse, #PastPresentAndAllPossibleFutures throughout the whole of existence. We will realize personal spiritual truths, and begin to collectively really get to know ourselves. We will then realize the true nature of this reality, and begin to #Evolve into our next phase of physical reality emergences of #MindBodyAndUnifiedCollectiveSouls.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 07:16:51 +0000

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