This is actually a share that I believe demonstrates a slight - TopicsExpress


This is actually a share that I believe demonstrates a slight dogmatic imbalance at the UN... So let me get this right. America kills hundreds of Taliban Muslim terrorists in Pakistan and Afghanistan- no UN emergency meetings, no protests, no churches attacked, no Navi Pillay UNHRC condemnation and accusation of war crimes’, no Kill Americans chants, no rioting. So let me get this right. Goodluck Jonathan the PM of Nigeria kills hundreds of Boko Haram Muslim terrorists who have been raping pillaging killing and kidnapping mainly Christian Nigerians - not a peep from the usual post-Christians, white post-colonial guilt ultra leftists and their ultra right wing Islamist buddies in The West. No protests, nothing, not so much as a Parisian riot, and certainly no suggestion of war crimes from Pillay (Navi Pillay is the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights who has accused Israel of war crimes) regarding either side. So let me get this right. Syria kills, mutilates, rapes, chemically attacks, bombs indiscriminately, women and children slaughtered in the hundreds of thousands - a genocide by any other name, over a 1000 killed in the last couple of days. Muslims are being slaughtered by Muslims , millions made refugees. Proportionately speaking there should have been around one hundred condemnations and accusations of war crimes from Pillay and her UNHRC compared to whats happening between Israel and the Palestinians. So far four sessions convened. So let me get this right. Pro Russian separatists shoot down a civilian plane, killing 300 innocents--and the EU cant even get on the same page, far less a UNHRC press conference accusing these violent thugs of war crimes. Protests in the street? Dont be daft! So let me get this right. ISIS are massacring and slaughtering everything in their wake in Syria and Iraq. Christians killed, raped, extorted and ethnically cleansed in the hundreds of thousands. Muslims are being slaughtered by Muslims.Whats Pillay’s view? Who knows, shes said nothing! So let me get this right. Libya is in a desperate state of civil war. Violence and reports of atrocities on both sides abound. Muslims are being slaughtered by Muslims; meanwhile over in Iran public hangings gathers apace with horrendous consequences for 100s of activist bloggers and dissenters killed month on month by the new ‘moderate Islamists regime. Then theres PALESTINE, Turkey, Mali,Sudan, Somalia, Niger, CAR, N Korea, Syria, Russia, China, Burma, Pakistan, Indonesia, Yemen, Morocco, Saudi, Brunei, Kuwait Jordan, Egypt, etc etc human rights violators all, yet accompanied by an almost deafening silence from Pillay and her UNHRC. But wait, SEVEN special sessions of the UNHRC (and counting) are convened against tiny Israel--DEFENDING itself from thousands of Palestinian attacks from Hamas AKA The Islamic Resistance Movement--more sessions than for all of the human rights violators mentioned above put together. Hamas whos every rocket is deemed a war crime BY THE PALESTINIAN AMBASSADOR TO THE UNHRC! Hamas who knowingly and willingly use human sacrifices to protect their command and control centres and rocket launchers and ammo dumps- every single action of which contravenes International Law and is categorically a war crime. When you look at it rationally, its hard not to believe that the UN are biased eh?
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 11:08:56 +0000

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