This is all because of stupid Malay Racism and Islamism Bigotry. - TopicsExpress


This is all because of stupid Malay Racism and Islamism Bigotry. There never was a Malay in Sabah. There may be Javanese, Bruneian, Tausugs, but never Malay. The Malays came later after the Federation of Malaysia plot, which is basically a transfer of colonialism from British to Malaya. Before you spout your criticism of my premise, read the constitution of Malaya first to understand how Malay is being defined. When a multiracial country engage in Racism, its basically a que for degradation. When a country engage in Religious Bigotry its basically a que for destruction. These are the two most important Ideological Policies that a nation must do without. Apparently, these so called Malays and Islamist have not learnt the lessons from Nazi Germany and the violent scourge of the Middle East. One must be totally ignorant or totally indoctrinated by a cult ideology to not understand these implications. I am not criticizing Muslims and their values, I wish there was nothing to talk about, but look within your own community and ask yourselves, What is wrong with this community? Why is there too much emphasis on violence? Why is there a need to think you are more superior than another race? Why is there a need to protect Allah when Allah is fully capable to protect itself? Why is there a need to take away peoples freedom of choice? Who among humans has the moral right to enforce morality upon another human? When you ponder upon these questions, one can somehow see an implication of a bully mentality. All I am asking from people practicing Islam is to be fair to mankind. Let religion be a religion. Let religion become a good thing for life. A religion cannot be engaged in violence or threats of violence. A religion must never justify causing hurt upon another human being. A religion is a choice of an individual, never a race or community. If you call yourself a religion then act as one. If not, then call yourself a political party and never a religion. You cannot be both a religion and a political party!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 08:21:48 +0000

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