This is all part of a big showdown taking place worldwide against - TopicsExpress


This is all part of a big showdown taking place worldwide against the Nazionists and their allies. The Nazionists are now mounting what could well be their last offensive before final defeat. The most obvious symptom of that is Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu using the phrase “grassy knoll” in a speech, referring to the location of the Kennedy assassination. This has been widely interpreted as an assassination threat against US President Barack Obama. The threat follows Obama officials’ refusal to meet with the Israeli Defense Minister as well as references by US officials to Netanyahu as “chickenshit.” There was also a cartoon in the Israeli daily Haaretz portraying Netanyahu as a pilot flying a plane into the world trade center building. The implicit message is that a lot of people are going to be hung from lamp-posts soon unless the Nazionists back down. Israeli and US troops have been fighting each other using proxies in Syria since ISIS is run by Mossad and the US airforce is bombing them and losing planes in the process. There will also be evidence presented next week at a criminal trial in London that the 311 tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan was a deliberate act of mass murder and that Netanyahu was one of the instigators.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 07:15:01 +0000

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