This is all the evidence for who wrote the Gospel of Luke external - TopicsExpress


This is all the evidence for who wrote the Gospel of Luke external and internal. If you have more let me know I collect the stuff Luke gospel evidence Internal evidence Luke also authored Acts 1:1 we see that in Luke 1:3 that the author wrote his Gospel for the “most excellent Theophilus - The writing style is the same in Luke and the book of acts - we passages used five times acts 16:10,17 - Paul says “Luke alone is with me” (2 Timothy 4:11). - Luke being identified as a physician (Colossians 4:14) the gospel rings medical attention. Matthew 8:14 and Mark 1:30 mention Peter’s mother-in-law suffering from a πυρέσσω (fever). Luke 4:38, however, says she suffered from a μέγας πυρετός (high fever) thus showing medical interest.In his New Testament Introduction the German scholar Alfred Wikenhauser notes that “… the author displays familiarity with medical terminology (cf. e.g. Lk. 4,38; 5,12; 8,44; Acts 5,5 10; 9,40), and he undisputedly describes maladies and cures from the point of view of a medical man (e.g. Lk. 4,35; 3,11; Acts 3,7; 9,18).” - In 1:1-3 Luke says he preserved handed down eyewitness testimony to compose his Gospel. External evidence Writing to Trypho the Jew concerning Luke 22:44 Justin Martyr (A.D. 103-165) The 2nd century writer Irenaeus “Luke also, the companion of Paul, recorded in a book the Gospel preached by him.” “But that this Luke was inseparable from Paul, and his fellow-labourer in the Gospel, he himself clearly evinces, not as a matter of boasting, but as bound to do so by the truth itself… As Luke was present at all these occurrences, he carefully noted them down in writing…” “Muratorian Canon” we read: “The third book of the gospel is according to Luke. The Anti-Marcionite Prologue to Luke (A.D. 160-180) “Luke, a Syrian of Antioch, doctor by profession… Luke, under impulse of the Holy Spirit, wrote his gospel in the region of Achaia.” Marcion Tertullian (A.D. 160-220) ...therefore, John and Matthew first instil faith into us; while of apostolic men, Luke and Mark renew it afterwards… P75 (A.D. 174-225) the oldest manuscript of the third Gospel designates Luke as the author as well. All early Lucan manuscripts we possess have the title. Origen (A.D. 185-254) “And the third by Luke, the Gospel.....
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 20:13:36 +0000

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