This is almost comical, but sad in a sense that my ex is doing and - TopicsExpress


This is almost comical, but sad in a sense that my ex is doing and saying anything she can to keep her control issues alive of my family and I seeing My daughter...... My mother called me a minute ago and told me that My ex is accusing me of contacting her old boss.... First of all why would I contact her old boss? Sounds far fetched to me.... Im thinking that my ex is pissed about social services coming to check on my daughter at their house.... She has nothing on me as far as her fraudulent PO so now shes making things up to entrap me or say that Ive violated the PO... I thought it was very odd that when I have questioned my ex in the past about if she had put my daughter on her fraudulent PO (it being a fraud because she took it out under false pretense), and my ex never would give me an answer if I could legally see Ana since shes on the PO.... So that really appears like shes been trying to set me up, or entrap me from the beginning when she started texting me on Thursday October the 16th at 8:03 pm.... I wouldnt put it past my ex of creating a FACEBOOK page, (because she admitted to me that She was in fact Samantha Davis, which I had friended in the summer of 2011...). My Ex said she did that to check out what I was up to, So I have my Ex admitting to me that she created a fake facebook page in the past to spy on me... (Which I have that text message from her... Anyway Im glad Ive already talked to State Police officer First Sargent Cornell, and Sherrif deputy Tanner with the Dubois County Sheriffs department and several other law enforcement officials.... And Im not sure which one told me, but one of them said that judging from the email she(ex) sent You, I wouldnt be surprised if she tried to retaliate by fabricating information, since she has nothing on you violating the order of protection because she initiated contact with you. So Ill put my trust in what several law enforcement officers told me..... below is a screen shot of what she sent me via email so Ive followed her instruction of not contacting her, but I could care less of contacting her....... And the law enforcement officials agreed that I should not contact her....So I hope she tries to turn this ridicules claim in to the State Police because shes only incriminating herself by doing so.... Once again my ex sent me information, as documented in the text below that has been put on my facebook page in the its a public domain, and by her sending me this message it proves shes trying to set me up by having information that supposedly no one else has but in actuality everyone has because everything that shes sent me has been made public domain. The reason I always white out or black out her name and call her Ex is because I cant mention her name on a social network because that would violate the PO... (But everyone knows who Im talking about because many of my friends have sent instant messages about her. Ive even gotten messages from friends saying that someone or I should create fake Facebook profiles as a catfish to inform her husband of her behaviors... But there is no way that I would risk getting in any trouble over that grown female child(ex)... So my answer to that is no I havent, and I wont...
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 03:02:49 +0000

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