This is an ANTI fact, this post is awesome, just ask - TopicsExpress


This is an ANTI fact, this post is awesome, just ask my mum, she will tell you! There will be no rage in this post today! I will not beseech the exercise gods regarding the existence of the ab circle pro? And Im certainly not going to spend the next uptennth minutes discussing the pros and cons of ingesting so many grams of protein based on the alignment ofSaturn to Uranus! Nope....non of that i want to tell you guys that i think folks are doing awesome in the gym. People are going to the gym Yep, just the fact that folks are getting into the gym is awesome, or doing any exercise for that matter. Any Exercise Science Professional worth the weight of their degree (mine cost a lot) will tell you the biggest risk for someone with exercise is NOT doing any! So if you are getting out amongst,,take a second to tell yourself how awesome you are right now! 2. Lifting is no longer about looking like Arnie or Sarah Conor Lifting, or resistance training has so many health benefits. When i go into the gym now days im seeing all kinds of folks lifting heavy shit in controlled ways.....that is awesome. People are realizing that a bit of strength training make them feel good, and Im not talking about standing naked in the mirror feel good (you so just sucked in your belly button then). Nope Im talking about that feeling when you go to Masters, load up that trolly of kinds of house reno stuff, and you realize you can carry that gear on your own....cause you are strong, cause your training taught you how to be awesome in the gym! 3. For every pooh trainer i see in the gym, there are 5 other really really good ones Right now i could list of 20 Personal Trainers in Ballarat that i would be happy to send my clients to for fitness work. Some of these PTs work in big franchise gyms, others work for themselves in their converted PT studios, and yet other PTs, operate solo business out of other gyms. If you want to get ripped like the Spartans i can send to the guy in Ballarat who will help you go Gerard Butler! If you want to eat clean, train hard, and move well, i know just the PT for you If find balance and connection with your body and exercise, and allow it to become a part if who you are, not just something you tack onto your day, i have the perfect PT for you. Want to look like Wolverine.....yep, theres another PT I know who can help.....prepare to train like a machine and eat :) Want to get all stretchy and balanced, i can think of three amazing yoga instructors off the top of my head who can blow your socks off with some amaze balls asana action Do you love your group fitness, Heck, i can tell you of 10 totally kick ass instructors working out of 3 different gyms,! Coming back from injury, we have some amazing Exercise Physiologists who can guide you to moving well, and get you back into your game, whatever that may be Are you at the high end of your sport, need to some pro tips, and coaching, well, theres an untapped resource of brilliant coaches out there.... And i could keep going, there is so much skill and talent in the fitness world right now! 4. Your Doctor will support you in you exercise Yep, our docs do some top work, over worked, over payed (cough, cough). Next time you visit to have that ever so lovely testical or breast exam...have a chat about exercise. We know that exercise helps with so many health conditions, for heart related issues, metabolic dysfunction and mental health. You doc will support you, and with some guidance from a good trainer, you can makes some awesome changes. As i tell my clients,,train smart, then train hard, arming yourself with knowledge just empowers your ability to train effectively. 5. Fitness folks are generous, humble, and just positive people to be around :) Yep, apparently being fit and healthy makes folks happy, crazy concept I know. All my fitness friends love life, they take every opportunity they can and squeeze the juice into their proverbial cup of awesomeness! They also tend to be very generous with their time, knowledge and expertise, and love to help folks find where their awesome sits!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 23:32:27 +0000

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