This is an August Astro Forecast by my friend Robert Sabella in - TopicsExpress


This is an August Astro Forecast by my friend Robert Sabella in Canada. Some interesting ideas here........... AUGUST 2014 We are currently in a period of intense fire that we are being challenged to integrate and utilize. The timeline for this extends from the recent summer solstice to the autumnal equinox; June 21 - September 23. It will be interesting to observe what we, as well as all the other life forms, will do with this added fire. Fire is characteristically stimulating and fast. The new fire is super-fast and of a much higher frequency. It may feel strange and even problematic for many. There will be a need for continual adjustments along the way that may feel a bit like fast action - freeze frame - fast action - freeze frame, until we equilibrate. Fire is related to identity and our ability to take action based on our use of free will, so these will be the primary arenas of development during this period. Fire is also related to clarity, intensity and passion. It is essential in every act of creation. Wars, conflict, rage and resistance are all examples of disowned fire. Or lives run on 6th dimensional [sacred] geometrical configurations [link] that are bonded by forces in the 3rd dimension...our physical reality. Any force can bond; love, hate, acceptance, resistance...these all bond, but in different ways. This is why a person with a lot of fire naturally has a strong sense of who they are, even if who they are is totally dysfunctional. The Universal force of bonding has to be operating to keep our bodies and our realities together. The 6th dimensional sacred geometric patterns hold life in the lower dimensions. Conversely, life in the lower dimensions anchor and express what is being held in the higher dimensions. The higher dimensions are more original. The lower dimensions cant hold the higher ones, as they are derivative. For this reason, all significant and lasting change must occur firstly in a realm that is outside of 3-D. To get there, we need a different form of understanding and a strong spiritual link to the multidimensional realm. This is one reason why evolutionary progress is traditionally very slow on Earth...the outer realm access has to be earned. The further we can go into the software program of fire, the better, especially when things are really new. As time passes and the species evolves, we are going to need to stabilize ourselves through and around sacred geometrical configurations more and more. The Fibonacci spiral is an example of one such configuration [link] . The physical universe couldnt exist or evolve without the ongoing drama between Light and Dark. The notion of Free Will is at the very center of this. Without it, there would be Universal stasis and no evolutionary movement. We live in the realm of good and evil. What is permitted, including the shadow, must ultimately allow us to reach the highest expression of harmonic (harmonious) energy in form. We just began a 2160 year period of Individualized Selfhood, so we have to be able to go into the me and nobody else counts form of narcissism to figure out what this means. But we are also inexorably bonded to Unity, so the highest expression of Selfhood, which honors and includes all others, will also be realized during this time. What does it take to make a creature think and act independently? One that is strong enough to go against spiritual law...and then return. Action The tetrahedron is the shape in sacred geometry that is related to fire [link]. Imagine being within a tetrahedron or a star tetrahedron [link] [link2] when dealing with excessive or heightened fire (i.e. difficulty sleeping, anger, frustration, conflict). The star tetrahedron, the home of fire or light body, is a good place to inhabit for safety and balance when we feel that we are being controlled by fire, ours or someone elses. When engaging the fire element, the things that we least want to deal with are usually the things we end up going through. It will be helpful to adopt at this time an attitude which embraces the following notion; whatever is going on that seems to be getting in the way, is the way. If you are having physical issues, try to extend your awareness beyond the physical body but stay anchored IN the body. When we have more right relationship with what the body is processing, whatever is happening on the level of body becomes less of a betrayal and more of an ally or teacher. Fire is connected to our ability to manifest. When something manifests from the bottom -> up, progressing through the ascending chakras [link] (1st, 2nd, 3rd and so forth), this is when it feels like the pathway has already been prepared and we simply step into it. Being grounded within oneself and into the planet would naturally be the first step in this sequencing. When manifesting from the top -> down, through idea or instructions from the soul/higher self, the foundation isnt there to receive it, so we have to retroactively complete those steps in order to get to where we want to be. This is why a lot of truly great ideas never come to fruition. We are always the creators but when we believe that we are victims, we abdicate our creative authority because we dont like what we have created. We construct our present lives from many, many different places and influences, including past lives. Some features that contribute to this creation are conscious, some are not. When we disown our fire, it is far too easy to be hypnotized into being a victim. There is more fire in animal flesh, fried foods, salt (and chilies, of course). People who eat meat also like the fire from animal flesh because it has more of a conscious self-identity than a plant. There is additional stimulation in eating meat. Plants do not have conscious self-identity like people...the more self-awareness, the more fire. We can use these foods for their grounding, identifying, get-down-in-there energies but there are also other ways to boost the fire. When its time to change the method, then its time to change the food choices. Additional water and water element dynamics are essential for balance through the autumn equinox this year. Practice using your fire with authority and humor as a way of transcending its lower expressions and gaining a larger audience. If you have any questions or comments about this newsletter, please feel free to contact me at robert@robertsabella robertsabella
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 22:51:37 +0000

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