This is an Open message to all food retailers including - TopicsExpress


This is an Open message to all food retailers including Supermarkets! I was in a supermarket the other day contemplating the packs of Strawberries @ £2.00 per pack and thought, why is it all retail outlets in my area are selling them at the same price and size. I then had a lady doing the same and she commented about the lack of products in one person portions. I was rather surprised to hear this as I thought I was the only one thinking this. We discussed that it is many of the items that will perish if not eaten straight away, as one person may or cannot eat all of the product at once or in time. Going back to Strawberries why is it the media say there is a glut but no one is selling them as they perhaps should in the sizes the customer actually wants or can afford to buy them? So this message is to the major and minor food retailers, listen to, as you say you do, to the customers and get the price/pack to a size the customer wants to buy. For myself, I would but the Strawberries but as the packs are too large and in my opinion too costly I have not purchased any not even one! I hope this message is read by those who are able to change things and the next time I go shopping I will as others I too hope will see the packs required by the customer!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 19:19:32 +0000

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