This is an actual proposal by the Federal Fish & Wildlife Service! - TopicsExpress


This is an actual proposal by the Federal Fish & Wildlife Service! Are they out of their minds? Federal Decision May Shut Access to Recreational Areas The Federal Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed the closure of 2 million acres of California’s forests which includes 14 counties and 9 national forests, to protect the Yellow Legged Frog and the Yosemite Toad. These decisions, if upheld, will have devastating impacts on all residents who live, work, and recreate in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, as well as employers whose viability depends on access to the areas being impacted. Cattle ranchers, loggers, hydro-electric power producers, and others are all at risk if these two decisions are not reversed. Why it’s important The success of our state, and especially our region, depends on proper resource management. Over the past several decades, we have seen radical political decisions destroy our ability to provide water for farming, timber for building, and fuel for transporting goods to market. Although this specific case involves frogs and toads, the truth is we are in a battle for the future of our state, and unless we fight these encroachments, we will lose our ability to determine our personal and economic future. For too long we have stood by as our freedoms have been eroded by unelected agency bureaucrats. Businesses have suffered, while governmental agencies have grown reckless and burdensome. The future of our state and nation teeter on our ability to reverse course to more fair-minded, constitutionally based decision making. What we are doing Recently, we have joined with individuals and groups fighting this battle, including: Defend Rural America, Sheriff Margaret Mims, Congressmen Tom McClintock, Devin Nunes, and David Valadao, the Fresno County Board of Supervisors, and others, to oppose this reckless federal land grab and stand together for the economic future of our state. Upcoming efforts will include town hall meetings and educational forums to highlight the issue and educate the public on what they can do to help. The dates, times, and locations for these events are yet to be determined, however, they will appear on our website as soon as they are available How you can get involved If you are interested and wish to get involved in the issue, please go to the Frogs and Toads link at the Defend Rural America website, and register for updates (links below). I also recommend that you contact your county representatives and urge them to fight on your behalf. You can also join or form a small group to stay informed and get the word out. Finally, be ready: within the next 3-5 months we expect to have another comment period on the Economic Analysis of the two decisions and we will need all of your help to provide responses when the time comes. Frogs and Toads link: defendruralamerica/DRA/FrogsToads.html
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 22:51:04 +0000

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