This is an amazing story - and to have 355 000 like of her page is - TopicsExpress


This is an amazing story - and to have 355 000 like of her page is remarkable. Some clever marketing has gone into this little cat. BUB has many unique characteristics that make her a very special one of a kind critter. Please understand that she was NOT bred to be this way. BUB was the runt of an otherwise healthy litter from a stray outdoor mother, and was born with several genetic mutations that make her special. She is just one of natures happy accidents. Her foster family had a hard time finding her a home, but she now lives happily with a dude that feeds her only the best food and treats her like a queen. BUB is a perma-kitten, which means she will stay kitten sized and maintain kitten-like features her entire life. She is also a dwarf, which means her limbs are disproportionately small relative to the rest of her body. She has very short, stubby legs and a weird, long, serpent-like body. Her lower jaw is very short compared to her upper jaw, and her teeth never grew in (yes, thats right, shes toothless!), which is why her tongue is usually hanging out. Dont worry, BUB has a very healthy appetite and eats dry and wet food with no problems. Additionally, BUB is a polydactyl cat, meaning she has extra toes, and in her case, one extra toe on all of her four paws. Her front paws each have two opposable thumbs. And then of course there are her big, bulging, wonder-filled green eyes. Some think she can see into the future with those things. BUB squonks, squeaks, gurgles, snorts, hiccups, purrs and sometimes even growls. She also occasionally meows, but even those sound kinda funny. Despite her weird looks and numerous deformities, BUB is a healthy, happy cat. She may not be able to jump on and off stuff, but she manages by climbing using her 22 claws. She also cant quite run or walk very well... but she is a fantastic waddler. Even though she has no teeth, she has a fierce appetite, and can take down half of a bowl of dry food without any problems (the other half winds up scattered on the floor). Just like other cats, she poops and pees in the litter box, likes to chase bugs and is always cleaning her luxurious coat and sometimes even her dudes beard.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 03:52:59 +0000

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