This is an article I found. I hope it helps Tips For Managing - TopicsExpress


This is an article I found. I hope it helps Tips For Managing Writers Block Posted by CreateSpaceBlogger on Feb 18, 2014 5:04:12 AM Im no stranger to writers block, which at times can feel paralyzing. And stressful. And did I say stressful? I recently began writing my seventh novel, and this time around Im prepared to battle this dreaded affliction with three strategies Ive learned from my previous bouts. 1) Its important to keep the story moving forward, so when I feel stuck on a scene, or if the creative muscle to write clever dialogue or interesting descriptions just isnt there, I make placeholders and move on. For example, in my new novel Ive already written general placeholders such as: · DESCRIBE RESTAURANT HERE - HAVE IT RUSTIC AND ON THE BEACH · HAVE HER WALK ALONG THE BEACH ALONE AND FEEL SAD · ADD IN SOME DETAIL HERE ABOUT THEIR PREVIOUS TRIP TOGETHER Yes, I use all caps. Its not pretty, but it works because it keeps me focused on the plot. If Ive learned anything at all about writing novels, its how important it is to keep the story moving forward. You can also go back and edit later. 2) When Ive done the above but have no idea where to take the plot next, I go to the gym and bring my phone. I jump on the stationary bike with my Kindle Fire and start watching TV. Inevitably Im struck by an idea, so I whip out my phone and email myself a note. Im not sure why exercising helps me so much, but it works every time - and it keeps me in shape. A win-win! 3) When I come up with an idea for something to include at some point in the book, I add it to a cleverly named document called To include at some point. This is basically an eclectic list of bullet points, but its a great way to make sure those bursts of inspiration dont get lost. If you enjoyed the article show your thanks by liking my page and I will continue finding great resources to help my fellow authors be successful: https://facebook/AuthorAndreCarter
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 14:01:36 +0000

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