This is an article posted by a friend of mine, it is not to scare - TopicsExpress


This is an article posted by a friend of mine, it is not to scare anyone it is simply meant to be informative..... Guys bind to feel better socially about themselves but it is DANGEROUS to their health to wear binders NOT SIZED PROPERLY. Most people seem to know that binding with tapes and bandages can be dangerous, but few people realize that the same risks apply to chest binders. And the damages do occur: bruised ribs, deformed ribs, broken ribs, lung collapse,…. Here’s the story from a guy who’d been wearing ONLY Underworks binders for 6 years: He developed costochondritis (rib inflammation) His ribs are deformed and compressed into his lungs Some of his muscles have shifted position…. Chest Binding Dangers – FTM Transition Watch this chest binding dangers video first to see what and what happens when a binder compresses the ribs. Chest and Ribs Anatomy If you take a look at the illustrations, you will see that the binder sits right on top of the ribs. The compression here can damage small blood vessels, compress the breast tissue, slow down blood flow to the lymph nodes, and create clots (that could get to the heart and provoke a mild heart attack). Chest Binding Dangers FTM The ribs have a very important role: they protect the lungs located right below them. Unfortunately ribs are fairly easy to break. Some people break a rib just from sneezing too hard If you’ve ever learned to perform CPR on those modern mannequins, you know that it’s actually hard NOT to break the patients ribs What Happens If A Rib-Bone Fractures? If you’re lucky you are left with severe pain. If you’re not so lucky, the rib punctures the lung as it breaks. Chest Binding Dangers Upon the puncturation of the lung, air starts filling the space between the chest wall and the lung itself, resulting in partial or full collapse of the lung (also known as pneumothorax). This can be lethal. For many of us, chest binding is a necessity and we are willing to take some risks. (I bind using a binder too!) But what I do hope for is for transguys to stop binding so tight that they permanently damage their bodies and mess up their chances of getting top surgery later on. Chest Binding Dangers – The Symptoms That being said, get familiar with a few of the symptoms associated with lung collapse so you can go to the hospital right away (or take a friend to the hospital) if you notice these symptoms: Sharp stabbing chest pain or pressure (that worsens on breathing or deep inhalations) The pain may radiate to the back and/or shoulder Feeling out of breath Dry cough Top 8 Chest Binding Dangers: Thanks to Evan_J’s comment on Laura’s Playground for this list, and for sharing the stroy of the transguy with Ch.. at the top of this article! 1. Small vessel damge and tissue injury 2. Bruising and fracturing of ribs 3. Lung Collapse 4. Spinal (back) problems 5. Low blood flow to the heart (could result in a heart attack) 6. decreased lung compacity (lungs only functioning to 30 and 40 %) 7. Decreased blood flow in the lymph nodes in the breast area. This could cause clots, damage to your circulation and lead to lymphatic cancer due to the bacteria build up and clogging of the lymph-nodes. 8. There have been reports about clots, blood clots and lack or circulation causing numbness and permanent loss of sensation in the breast/chest area.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 01:29:56 +0000

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