This is an awfully long post about Egypt-Israel 1973 war and how - TopicsExpress


This is an awfully long post about Egypt-Israel 1973 war and how it turned out to be totally different that what I had in mind. Skip it if you`re not interested. :) So I was reading more about 1973 war history, and it is nothing like what we studied in school, nothing like what they claim happened in the media. We actually did not WIN the war. Just like what happened in the media before, they are just lies to make us feel better. Egypt & Syria had a surprise attack on their holiday, we got our forces into Sinai and we did major damage to the Israeli army, after 3 days Israel got their forces back and stopped the Egyptian & Syrian offense. They were in a stalemate position with the Egyptians and started pushing back the Syrians and even started their attack on Damascus. The Israeli Air-force did not have a huge role with the Egyptian army at first is it was more engaged with the Syrian Army which had more serious attacks at the time and because of Anti-craft missiles Egypt had. After Israel neutralized the Syrian army, their Air-force started engaging with the Egyptian army, and thats when Israel replied with a strong counterattack and crossed the Suez canal between the 2 Egyptian armies and started heading towards Cairo (they were around 100 Km near Cairo) and they were only stopped by a cease fire declared by the US & Soviet Union. Right before the cease fire, Israelis had positioned themselves well enough and encircled the Egyptian third army army (The US asked Israel not to destroy that army in order to end the war) , Shazly noted the fate of the Egyptian Third Army was in the hands of Israel. Once the Third Army was encircled by Israeli troops every bit of bread to be sent to our men was paid for by meeting Israeli demands. The third army broke the cease fire trying to break the surrounding Israeli forces but they were repulsed by Israeli ground and air forces. The encirclement of the third army and Egypt accepting the cease fire created a dilemma for Syria as after they were heavily attacked and retreated they were back in full power after having replaced all their losses thanks to the SU and to some Iraqi & Jordanian expeditions and they were on the verge on attacking the Israeli army in Syria, but had to stop because of the cease fire between Egypt and Israel as if they attacked, Israel might destroy the Egyptian third army which would have the consequence of Egypt not helping Syria when Israel turns its full attention to and probably going deeper into Syria. By the end of the war, Israeli forces were in Egypts territory more than when the war started, although they were being in a weak position as they were surrounded by either natural barriers or Egyptian barriers or forces. I`m not saying that we sucked, actually we did a pretty good damn job, the strategies and the attacks were perfect and timed very well. I`m just saying that Egypt gave itself all the credit for the war, which is actually not true, if it was not for the Syrian attacks which distracted Israelis, The Egyptian army would not have made such advancements into the territory. Thats besides the help we got from the rest of the Arab countries and the SU ranging from financial aid to deploying troops & tanks. Also gaining the approval of European countries because of the pressure put on them from Arab countries supplying them with oil. Also we did not WIN the war, all we did is prove that we are a strong force and we should not be underestimated and that we CAN attack if we want unlike what Israelis & Americans thought that we are incapable of war. Actually we were the ones who called for the negotiations after we knew there is no way we could defeat the Israeli army specially after the SU decided they wont engage in the war as they do not want to start world war III because of Egypt and Syria. Egyptian national security advisor Hafez Ismail sent Kissinger a stunning message—Egypt was willing to enter into direct talks with Israel, provided that it agree to allow non-military supplies to reach the Third Army and to a complete ceasefire.This led to the Camp David treaty where Israel agreed to give back the land to Egyptians in return for peace and demilitarization of the area. In 1977, a war erupted between Egypt and Libya because of El Sadat agreeing on a peace treaty with Israel as well as the breakdown of unification talks between the two governments. The war lasted for 3 days and was ceased after the intervention of the Algerian president at the time. At that time Egypt was aided by the US as they broke their ties with the SU. Additional note: Jordan acted as an Ally to Israel before and during the war, they even let Israeli aircraft to fly low in their territory to have an advantage of attack over the Syrians. There were Kuwaiti-an, Algerian, Tunisian, Libyan, Moroccan, Palestinian, soldiers defending Egypt from the Israeli attacks at the time. North Korea sent 20 pilots and 19 non-combat personnel to Egypt. Sudan sent 3,500-strong infantry brigade to Egypt. It arrived too late to participate in the war :D :D ). Iraqi and Jordanian forces were also on the defensive line of Syria after Israel attacked Damascus. There were also Pakistani-an, Cuban, Saudi-Arabian, Kuwaiti-an, Moroccan & Lebanese soldiers/tanks sent to Syria. King Hussein of Jordan, contacted Moshe Dayan and told him that he was pressured to enter the war through U.S. intermediaries, in the hope that Israel would accept that this was not a reason justifying an attack on Jordan. U.S classified documents shows that deploying Jordanian troops into Syria was only a token to preserve King Husseins status in the Arab world. The documents reveal that Israel and Jordan had a tacit understanding that the Jordanian units would try to stay out of the fighting and Israel would try to not attack them. One more note: Egyptians and Syrians killed and tortured most Israeli soldiers who surrendered, not as we had to study and read and see on our TV that we were very generous and kind to our captives.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 16:00:39 +0000

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