This is an editorial in a Gambian (an Western African country) - TopicsExpress


This is an editorial in a Gambian (an Western African country) Newspaper. Virginia could surely benefit from something similar Original at Ive added some blank lines to improve readability OFFICE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE AND POLITCAL OFFICE SHOULD NOT BE MIXED Published on Tuesday, 08 October 2013 16:23 | Written by Ousman Njie A Person holding an office in the public service has the right to work up to 60 years when he or she is due for retirement. A person occupying political office depends on mandate given by the people through the vote. The person holding public office is not supposed to appear partisan when performing one’s duty. This is the code of conduct established for such officers. Section 222 of the Constitution states: “(1) A public officer shall respect and comply with the law and shall conduct himself or herself at all times in a manner which promotes confidence in the integrity of public office. (2) A public officer shall acquire such professional competence to enable him or her to perform the functions of his or her office with efficiency. He or she shall dispose promptly of the business of his or her office, shall devote adequate time to his or her duties, be punctual in attending work and expeditious in bringing to a conclusion any matter under his or her attention. A public officer shall require his or her staff to observe the same standards. (3) A public officer shall not, in the course of his or her official functions and without lawful excuse, do or cause to be done any action which is prejudicial to the rights of any other person. (4) In the exercise of his or her duties, a public officer shall avoid nepotism and favouritism. (5) A public officer shall not encourage others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to influence him or her. (6) A public officer shall take appropriate action with regard to contravention of this Code by members of his or her staff or others subject to his or her control. (7) A public officer who does any act prohibited by this Code through an agent shall himself or herself be deemed to have done such act. (8) A public officer who exercises judicial functions shall: (a) maintain order and decorum in judicial proceedings before him or her; (b) be patient, dignified and courteous to all litigants, witnesses, legal practitioners and others in the exercise of such functions, and shall require similar conduct from his her staff and others subjected to his or her control. (c) Abstain from comment about the outcome of any pending or anticipated legal proceedings in any court in The Gambia and require similar abstention from his or her staff and others subject to his or her control; FINANCIAL (9) A public officer shall not hold more than one full-time public office in respect of which he or she is paid as a salary. (10) A public officer shall not put himself or herself in a position where his or her personal interest conflicts with his or her duties or responsibilities. (11) A public officer shall not ask for or accept any property or benefits of any kind for himself or herself or any other person on account of anything done or omitted to be done by him or her in the course of his or her duties. The receipt of any gift or benefit from or on behalf of a commercial firm, business enterprise or a person having or negotiating a contract with the government shall be deemed to be in contravention of this paragraph unless the contrary is established. (12) A public officer shall only accept gifts or benefits from relatives and friends to such extent and on such occasions as are customary. However, the receipt of any gift or donation by a public officer on any public or official occasions shall, if surrendered to the office, department or agency represented by the public officer, not be treated as a contravention of this Code. (13) A person holding an office in a public service or any disciplined force shall not- (a) allow his or her political inclinations to interfere with the discharge of his or her official duties; (b) be a member of, or take part in any association of persons which might prevent him or her from impartially discharging his or her duties; or (c) take part in any activities which cast doubt on his or her capacity to deal impartially with matters or issues which are the concern of his or her public office or which interfere with the performance of his or her public duties.” We therefore hope that the President will review the Practice of making the Head of the Civil service to wear the cap of a civil servant and political appointee at the same time.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 01:20:37 +0000

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