This is an email Ive sent to Yates s asking for an answer as to - TopicsExpress


This is an email Ive sent to Yates s asking for an answer as to why they refused entry to an injured Soldier. I find it utterly revolting that a serviceman whose face was disfigured when he was injured by an IED (improvised explosive device) while he fought in Afghanistan was not allowed entry into your bar. You are doing yourselves immense harm by not responding professionally to these allegations. Look at the reviews being posted. You are also deleting comments that people are making about this. I am a member of a number of armed forces and armed forces veterans sites and face book pages with members in their many thousands. The word is out about what you did. You need to apologise to this Soldier in particular at the very least and apologise to all forces both ex and serving for the afront you have shown to their service. The last time British Armed Forces Veterans marched in protest was in London about the death of Lee Rigby and hundreds marched. There are calls for us to march in York in protest against Yates s. I am asking for your version of events. I await a response from you about this disgusting incident by your disgusting policies and/or staff. Yours Paul Dunning Ex Bombadier Royal Artillery Northern Ireland General Service Medal holder.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 16:21:13 +0000

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