This is an excellent article on the big juicing fad, something Ive - TopicsExpress


This is an excellent article on the big juicing fad, something Ive wanted to address for a while in response to being asked about it. While Ayurveda doesnt promote fads, I do promote positive changes thatll kick start your mind/body to create natural lifestyle habits that promote self-referral of your innate intelligence that will automatically lead you to naturally making the right decisions for your whole health. We have modern lifestyles I get it I live in it too but allow me to give you a dose of the ancient for perspective. And if juicing is the thing that will give you that forward push -- excellent ! but please get the guidance you need to avoid negative effects of the body through yo yo dieting and creating the excess vata (air/space elements) that juicing can aggravate with vata types. Juicing can definitely be a positive strategy for a lifestyle lift and to get the nutrients in you --- fast, though slow gradual changes are likely the ones that stick to make it a lifestyle not a fad. HOW to do it, WHEN and HOW long, WHAT to juice ? The Ayurvedic answer... It DEPENDS... it depends on many factors ie your unique dosha (mind/body type), short-long-term goals, etc. The Sama 15-day Cleanse and 35-day Cleanse+ gives you guidance on eating for your mind/body type... juicing, drinking your meals, satisfying your palette with the 6 tastes, enjoying meals, nourishment, building strong tissues in the process and get you motivated to engage in your health. SAMA AYURVEDA samabeauty@gmail Complimentary 15-day cleanse consultation through November 35-Day Cleanse + starts in January
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 18:28:35 +0000

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