This is an excerpt from the 25th episode of the Seerah series by - TopicsExpress


This is an excerpt from the 25th episode of the Seerah series by Sh. Yasir Qadhi. In this, he discusses Hizbut Tahrir and why he doesnt agree with it. I have cut the relevant part and uploaded in the video and written down my refutation in the description of the video. I reproduce that refutation here: Yasir Qadhi makes two strawmen about Hizbut Tahrir: 1. He believes that the Hizb does not understand the phases of the seerah. 2. He believes Hizb wants muslims all over the world to behave in exactly the same manner. Both of these statements are wrong. Anyone who seriously studied Hizbs ideas knows that the Hizb has derived an academically rigorous methodology from the Seerah and applies its various stages/phases in its own struggle. Also, Hizb responds differently to different circumstances. In Non-Muslims countries, the Hizb explicitly says it is not working to establish Khilafah. However, Yasir Qadhis own opinions are based on naivety. In that: 1. He notices the apparent differences in the circumstances of each land, and concludes that these are unrelated and independent situations. 2. He insists that the muslims of one land need not worry about muslims of other lands. And each regions muslims are independent and have to thus resort to a localized strategy independent of a global struggle. Any serious student of politics would tell you, that the politics of the world is highly inter-connected. At the moment it is the superpower, America, that directly affects the politics of Muslim countries. And it has a plan to keep islam dead (i.e. away from politics) and it treats every muslim in any muslim country working for political islam an enemy, whether he is violent or non-violent. This and other materialistic considerations (such as competition for resources and dominance) affects the politics of each third world country including the muslim countries. They have been kept divided for the same reason. Yasir Qadhi has completely gone against a number of ahadith of the Prophet (saww) and ayahs of the Quran in insisting that we are now somehow independent small ummahs rather than being just one ummah. Even though hadith says the ummah is one and it has to work to remain politically united and work with one vision. This does not mean that tactically different actions can not be performed in each region according to differing circumstances, but overall strategy should be interconnected and directed towards a unified political objective -- that of unifying muslim lands under islam and repelling foreign meddling in muslims affairs. Finally, what vision does he provide to the muslims of America to deal with the problems of the Ummah politically? None whatsoever. His advice is: Just be like muslims of Abyssinia (at the time of the Prophet (saww) and dont care much about Egypt etc. Even though by his own logic, the US is not exactly like Abyssynia. It doesnt fit like *hand in glove* in his own words. The difference is that the US is actively affecting the politics of the Muslim world, unlike Negus of Abyssynia who was a friend to Islam. Muslims in, say, South Africa could treat that place like Abyssinia, not the muslims of the US. The Muslims of the US should actively challenge the foreign policies of the US in a way that helps the Muslim lands to unite politically and can counter the invasions, propped up dictators, looting, plundering and conspiracies of the US. https://youtube/watch?v=86ud37ZUT4g
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 04:36:03 +0000

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