This is an intellectual discourse regarding the matrix and - TopicsExpress


This is an intellectual discourse regarding the matrix and linkages of people within the Cartel, and why the Cartel is fighting with abated breathe to have its own choice of person as Zambia’s next 6th President. Dr Guy Scott has just lost in the PF Central Committee meeting held at State House today to pick a PF presidential candidate on a vote of 28 against 7 votes, meaning that Hon. Edgar Lungu should be picked by the Central Committee as the next leader. The Cartel is not going down without a fight. Chair of the meeting, Acting President Dr Guy Scott, having just lost his Cartel-driven bid to have the PF Presidency decided at the Convention, he now wants to call on fellow Cartel pal, President of the Law Association of Zambia. This was an article that Friends of Honourable Edgar Lungu could have released two days ago, we embargoed it, but now is the right time. Why, because when the PF Central Committee a while ago defeated Scotts mission by 28 to 7 votes, in favour of the Central Committee picking a PF Presidential Candidate, please note that in accordance with the Cartel strategy, the first point of call is at LAZ, their friend, LAZ President, GEORGE CHISANGA and tomorrow, The cartel propaganda tabloid, will sing the song. More Cartel defenders are lined up, right through from parliament to the judiciary. For now, here is just a starter on LAZ boss, George Chisanga. So, who is GEORGE CHISANGA, he is just but one of the key Cartel member. Here is an intro to the unfolding Cartel matrix of planned defence. GEORGE CHISANGA – LAZ PRESIDENT The interpretation of the Zambian Constitution lies with the Courts of Law, the Law Association of Zambia, Attorney General and the professed legal professionals in Zambia. Of keen interest should be the position of the Law Association of Zambia – LAZ, on important matters of national importance. Unfortunately, LAZ is not professionally impartial on this score. The LAZ is mandated under Section 4(l) and (p) of the LAZ Act Chapter 31 of the Laws of Zambia (“the Act”) to seek the advancement of the rule of law and the rights of the individual and to do all such things as may be necessary for the attainment of its objectives set out in section 4 of the Act. George Chisanga, as President of LAZ, cannot be impartial in arriving at any legal position that affects any member of the Cartel. Chisanga has been Post Editor-in-Chief Fred Mmembe’s legal counsel, who represented Fred in June 2010 when he was sentenced to four months imprisonment with hard labour after being found guilty of contempt of court together with the Post Newspapers by a Lusaka magistrate court when Magistrate David Simusamba set free Post Human Resources Director Rueben Phiri who was standing in for the Newspaper. Mr M’membe’s defence attorney Mr George Chisanga commented: “It’s really a dark day for press freedom in Zambia.” The contempt case arose from an article authored by US-based Zambian law Professor Muna Ndulo titled: ‘The Chansa Kabwela case: A Comedy of Errors’, and published in the paper on August 27, 2009. Magistrate Simusamba said he jailed Mr M’membe to “reform” and deter would-be offenders. He declined to give Mr M’membe an option of a fine. LAZ council includes George Chisanga (president), Linda Kasonde (vice-president), Likando Kalalaluka (honorary secretary), Clement Tafeni (honorary treasurer), Ed Mwitwa, Kafula Mwiche, Pixie Yangailo, Munakoka Sikaulu, Mutafela Lisimba, Andrew Mukuka, Landilali Banda, Suzyo Ndependepe, Sashi Kateka, Mando Mwitwa, Elios Sulu and Prosper Muyatwa, reported the Daily Mail. Chisanga comes from a position as the association’s vice-president. As a lawyer Chisanga is best known for representing Post Editor-in-Chief Fred M’membe and for representing two Chinese managers at Collum Coal Mine accused of shooting 13 workers during a protest. Both Chisanga and his new vice-president went through unopposed. One wonders how conscience leaves him free, defending the Chinese foreigners at the expense of 13 dead Zambians. The Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) called for the quick swearing in of the newly ratified Attorney General and Solicitor General. When there was apparent delay to sear in the two officers due to President Sata’s illness, LAZ President George Chisanga said that the delay was unhealthy in the light of the Solicitor General also not yet sworn a week after being ratified by parliament. The two that LAZ canvassed for were Attorney General Musa Mwenye and Solicitor General Abraham Mwansa. LAZ was in a hurry to see the swearing in of the two. The expectation under the law is that when somebody has been ratified by parliament as soon as possible, they must be allowed to fill the vacancy substantively. Cabinet meetings, for instance, are supposed to be attended by the Attorney General or if he is not around, the Solicitor General. It is only fair that there should be a quick swearing of the Attorney General and even the Solicitor General himself, Chisanga said.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 16:36:28 +0000

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