This is an interview which appeared in a local Welsh newspaper, - TopicsExpress


This is an interview which appeared in a local Welsh newspaper, the Llandudno Post. The person interviewed was my Faithers cousin Archie Cummings who danced under the stage name of Ian Garry. IAN Garry is a dancer, singer and choreographer who, in a career spanning 40 years, worked with many of the great names in showbusiness, from Gene Kelly to Barbra Streisand. We talked to him about his career which took him from a small mining village of Larkhall in Scotland to the bright lights of Hollywood, and then to retirement in Llandudno. When and how did you become involved in showbiz? It’s a real Billy Elliott story. I was brought up in Larkhall, a small mining village in Scotland. My dad was a miner and most of the lads followed their dad’s footsteps and went down the mine. But when I was about six a cousin of mine ( Joy McPhee ) started taking dance classes and I’d go along to watch her. After a few weeks I got up out of my seat and started joining the back of the class. I must have made an impression because the teacher told my mum I should be taking lessons. When I was 15 I auditioned for an agent in Glasgow and he found me work on the Scottish variety circuit. How did your dad feel about you becoming a professional dancer? Given that I came from a village where the main interests for men were the pub and football, he was very good about it. I think he thought that at least I was getting away from having to work in the mines because it was back breaking, dirty work and I don’t think he wanted that for his sons. You married a girl from Llandudno while very young. How did marriage fit in with your showbusiness career? On my 17th birthday I met Annette. She was in the business herself in a song and dance act with her sister. She came to see me in one of the shows I was in and we met afterwards. There was an immediate spark between us and within 18 months we were engaged and then married. It was Annette who talked me into leaving Scotland and looking for work in London, so if it wasn’t for her my career wouldn’t have gone the way it did. You worked in the West End with some of the leading stars of the day. How did that come about? Annette’s sister was working in costume design on the musical The Music Man in London in 1961. She got me an audition for the chorus and I got in. After that I auditioned for Noel Coward for his 1962 production of Sail Away starring Elaine Stritch at London’s Savoy Theatre. I was understudying the juvenile lead, and when he left Coward flew in from Switzerland and after watching a performance said I should have the part. You worked extensively in America. How did that come about? I was at Her Majesty’s Theatre in the West End doing a musical called No Strings in 1963 and the director said I should work in America. He sent me a contract for the revival of South Pacific in Toronto. When that finished I was offered work in New York but when I got there I was told the show wasn’t going on which was a bit frightening as I had a wife and daughter to support. I remembered someone I’d worked with in London was working in New York at the time so I contacted her and she got me an audition for a Broadway production of High Spirits in 1964, starring Edward Woodward and Beatrice Lillie and thankfully I got taken on. You’ve worked with Barbra Streisand. What was she like? I first met her in London in 1963 when I was in a production called On the Town starring her then husband Elliott Gould. I went for an audition in 1964 for Funny Girl on Broadway and she remembered me and gave approval to my being given a job. I had a great time working on that. She’s a perfectionist, which is fine because I am too. I later worked in Hello Dolly on Broadway (1964). You were in the 1969 film Hello Dolly directed by Gene Kelly. Was that an amazing experience? To work with Kelly, who was one of my idols, was incredible. I also got to work with Ginger Rogers, and later Fred Astaire. They were both wonderful people as well as great dancers. I waltzed with Ginger in a show. I was very nervous but she put me at my ease. You worked on the west coast of America for years. Which other greats did you work with? I was in the film Star! in 1968 with Julie Andrews who was a delight to work with. I also worked with Steve Martin, Jerry Lewis, Andy Williams, Red Skelton and Diana Ross. Later I worked as a cruise director for Princess Cruises on the ship which featured in The Love Boat TV series and met many stars, including Debbie Reynolds
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 06:39:55 +0000

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