|| | This is an open RP. BUT you MUST be a literate - TopicsExpress


|| | This is an open RP. BUT you MUST be a literate multi-paragraph Role-Player. No Godmoding. Proper punctuation/grammer. || It was a bright day in the Land of Wind, and the sun was high in the noon day sky. With the blazing sun hovering in the middle of the sky, it’s intense heat continuously pounded against the Earth relentlessly, which was the cause of the Desert landscape. The ground was covered in vast layers of sand, which cloak the hard, dry earth below. Dense with clay, with the intense daily heat, the Land of Wind was a barren wasteland. With the Landscape filled with the multiple, rocky formations, the immediate area stood before a series of scattered, large rocky plateaus; many of which were like uneven pillars of rock. It was here, that the true Madara Uchiha had been reanimated by Kabuto for the purpose of furthering his and the Akatsuki’s goals. In the center of this immediate region, there was an incredibly dense pillar of Sand, holding up a massive and rounded meteor which had been brought down by Madara with his use of the Rinnegan. Stabbed into this meteor, held up by Gaara’s condensed pillar of sand high in the sky, there was another meteor which appears to be sticking out of a crater on the top of the first meteor. The second appears to be split in half down the center, continuing to stick out of the top of the first even after all these years after the Fourth Shinobi world War. In addition to this, there were fragments of meteor scattered throughout the landscape, most of which being large in size. In addition to this, there were a few rock formations which appear to have collapsed roughly five years ago, back during the Fourth Shinobi World War. Amongst these many, scattered rock formations, there was what appears to be a massive tree. This tree seems to branch out somewhat far, branching out into multiple other smaller trees. This was from Madara’s use of the Deep Forest Devastation jutsu used during his first battle against the Shinobi Alliance. On one side of these appear as though they were viciously hacked off, the ends of these wooden branches being no where in sight. This apparent damage was done to the Deep Forest Devastation by Naruto’s multiple and massive Rasengan, targeting what was at the time a rapidly expanding forest of Madara’s creation. It had been five years since the creation of this single tree which branched out creating more. With the intense and sandy waves of wind, and the high temperatures of the Land of Wind, this grouping of plant-life was now dead. Withered and dry, it possessed no green foliage, with cracks running through only some of its surface. These branches however, were still thick and dense, giving them a sturdy structure. Countless, massively thick branches seem to intertwine, and cross over each other creating a dense cluster of what was much like a dead forest, the thickness of said branches being thicker than the branches and tree trunks of the Forest of Death. There was a somewhat strong wind passing through the Landscape, carrying with it mass amounts of sand which run across the structures of the area providing with notable relief from the intense heat of the sun. Though much sand was carried with the passing winds, the area’s visibility was not hindered for those within the immediate area. This region, permanently marked by the jutsu from a key battle during the Fourth Shinobi World War five years ago, appeared to be void of life. Abandoned after the Fourth World War, this scarred landscape represented the horrors of war and the near end of the world to countless; however there were some whom saw it in a much more treasured light. One such person was there, standing on top of a large rock formation only two miles away from the sight of the Shinobi Alliance’s first confrontation with the true Madara Uchiha. Standing at what’s almost an even six feet in height, the wind which was heavily saturated with loose sand from across the vast desert landscape brushes against him; running through his trademark red hair. As the wind passes through his hair, his crimson bangs repeatedly pass over his forehead, drawing attention to the Kanji symbol located above his left eye. This kanji symbol seems to be red, though not as dark as the crimson strands of his hair. along the outside of this male’s seemingly emotionless, turquoise eyes, he bares a black lining, primarily meant to help protect his eyes from the harsh, desert sun’s eye (Like the Egyptians used to). Despite the fact that this male was baring a solemn expression, and the emotionless if not cold look in his eyes, his fair white skin seems to possess a smooth look to it, almost as though his skin had remained untouched since birth. In truth, this male bared a resemblance to his long since deceased mother. Worn over his body, this man, whom appears to be in his early twenties, wears a slightly thick cloak with a maroon exterior and a grey inside. This cloak seems to be comfortably fitted to his body, buttoning vertically up his torso. It’s barely loose fitted sleeves reach down to his wrists, with body length which reaches down to his ankles. Buttoned only in the front of the torso, this trench coat-like cloak hangs loosely, flowing freely as the sandy breeze continues to blow past him. In the back of this cloak, it parts vertically allowing for the two sides of it to move freely, without hindering his agility nor immovability. Being only closed over the torso, the cloak parts vertically in the front much like it does in the back. What is worn on his torso, under this maroon cloak remains relatively unknown. However with his cloak parted vertically in both the front and in the back, his blackish-grey, comfortably fitted leggings could be seen. On the outside of these leggings, strapped securely around both his thighs are a grey strap. There is also another grey strap secured around his calfs on the outsides of his leggings. On his feet, this male wears a slightly unique, black pair of open toed Ninja sandals. On the outside of his maroon cloak, wrapped three times around his hips, this male bares a slightly dark grey, belt-like strap. This strap appears to be worn as a means of keeping his maroon cloak from parting any higher up than at the waist. Just a little higher up from this grey strap, he wears a unique, slightly dark grey vest. This vest, unlike the typical ANBU vest, has no sides to it. Instead, it bares two straps on each side of them which connects the front part with the back. Continuing to maintain this unique fashion, this halter-top vest reaches up over only his left shoulder, not so much as touching his right shoulder. This vest appears to be slightly thick, well secured to his body allowing it to serve a more important role than simply offering padding to his upper body. This vest helps support a very large gourd located on his back, which appears to be crafted of highly condensed sand. Running along the surface of this gourd is what appears to be free running cracks. Despite how these cracks appear, it appears as though nothing was leaking through them. Lodged into the mouth of this gourd, there is what appears to be a large cork which could fit in someone’s entire palm. As his medium lengthen red hair and the lower portion of his cloak waves freely in the passing breeze, this male continues to stand tall on the top of this large rocky formation. With his arms folded over his chest and his legs parted slightly, the male’s seemingly emotionless turquoise eyes continue to peer unwaveringly towards war-marked landscape, silent as though he was deep in thought. In truth, this was not far from the truth. It had been five years since the Demon of the Sand had lead the Shinobi Alliance in the war against the Akatsuki, and for a while it had seemed that the peace between nations would last; recently however, he had been given troublesome reports surrounding the intentions of the Cloud and Rock Villages. It was obvious to him that the truce was on the verge of ending, which could only mean the beginning of the Fifth Shinobi World War. It was for this reason that he had come to this place. For him, it served as a representation of hope in the darkest of situations, and so it gave him further hope for the future. “Lord Kazekage!” A voice echoes from the distance originating from behind the crimson haired male. In reaction to this somewhat distant exclamation, Gaara’s eyes calmly shift towards their respective left corners. There was no need for him to speak, nor was there any need for him to turn his head to face them. It was for this reason that all he had done, was move his pupils to the left corners of his eyes, and turned his head only slightly towards the left so that he could peer subtly over his shoulder towards the source of the words. “There he is!” Another voice exclaims from the distance, before two Sand Village ANBU Ninja appear behind Gaara in a kneeling position. With their heads low, they wait for their leader to address them. “…What is it?” The Kazekage speaks in a calm, yet almost monotone voice. “Forgive our intrusion Lord Kazekage. We grew concerned when you had not returned to the Village..” the first ANBU remarks, his head low in respect to the head of his Village. There was a brief pause of silence following after this remark as the Kazekage waited patiently on the ANBU. “Is everything alright sir?”. the ninja asks, unsure as to what was going on. “I’m fine….” Gaara responds calmly and simply. “What are you doing here…?” the second ANBU asks curiously, though in a respectful and formal manner. It was with this question, that Gaara’s turquoise gaze once more returns to the decayed, petrifying Madara Forest. “Let me ask you a question…” Gaara begins, peaking curiosity in the two ANBU whom remained kneeling behind him. They both raise their heads to look at him, but only one says something. “Sir?” Pausing only briefly as he continues to look towards the sight of the first real battle of the last world war, Gaara continues. “When your eyes gaze upon this landscape, what is it that you see?” Gaara’s tone was calm, a casualness about his voice that was common to him now. Having been asked such an unexpected question, the two go quiet to look out ahead where many of their comrades had perished five years ago. Only one speaks in response, while the other remains silent. “I only see misery and pain here, Lord Kazekage.” Having heard the ANBU’s response, Gaara then asks, “Why?” This was when the ANBU frowned lightly, though this expression would not be seen. “Because, Lord Gaara, it was there that I had to watch countless of my comrades die… This… place… only serves me as a reminder of what I- what we have lost…” This answer came to no surprise to Gaara however, resulting in only a pause and a quiet “I see…” To escape his lips. Then, Gaara had grown silent, though only for a couple of seconds; a moment which may have felt like a while to the two ANBU members, before continuing to speak to them. “I cannot blame you for feeling as you do towards this place. After all, the battle that once took place here claimed countless comrades and friends…” Gaara begins, causing the gaze of the first of the two ANBU to slowly fall towards the ground as he remembers the many friends and allies that had died at the hands of Madara Uchiha. These thoughts however, become calmly interrupted by the continuing of the Kazekage’s words. “However.. Where you see pain and loss as you gaze upon this place, my eyes see something entirely different…. It was only a decade ago, that I too was regarded with feelings of discontent…. Because I was a Jinchūriki, my peers feared and rejected me, and in eyes of my superiors I was only a tool to be used for destruction. The entire village despised me, and even tried to eliminate me on more than one occasion….” As the Kazekage spoke, his voice remained calm. Without so much as a hint of sorrow nor anger, it was as though he was solely stating facts. Despite this however, there was something about his words that implied he was invested in what he was saying. He was merely maintaining a calm and collected head as he had usually done. As Gaara continued to speak, the two members of the ANBU looked to Gaara’s back, which faced them as Gaara still continued to peer out towards the hardened and drayed remains of the forest created five years ago by Madara’s stolen Deep Forest Devistation jutsu. They frowned as they listened to him, recalling the hate and fear they once held towards the famed Demon of the Sand. ‘Gaara….’ the ANBU on the left whispers ever so faintly to himself as though sincerely worried about the current happiness of the Kazekage, though it was assumed Gaara did not hear him. “My entire life, that fear and hatred was all I had ever known. It was because of this, that it did not take long for me to become a monster, whom craved nothing more than revenge and destruction… But still… There was one Shinobi who looked upon me differently from the rest of the world. He wept for me, even though I was his enemy. Like me, he too was forced to bare the weight of a Jinchūriki; but unlike me he sought to protect his Village and loved ones. This enemy called me his friend, and saved me from myself…” Still standing on top of the tall rocky formation, arms folded and legs slightly parted, two miles away from the slowly petrifying Madara Forest, named such due to it being the creation of Madar, Gaara’s body and clothing continues to be gently barraged with the desert winds. With the sounds of the lower half of his trench coat flapping quietly around him, the bangs of his crimson hair repeatedly and quickly passes over in front of the Kanji symbol in the left side of his forehead. Though the two Sand ANBU whom continued to remain kneeling behind the Kazekage could not see Gaara’s face nor any other part of the front of his body, there seemed to be something about the combination of the wind, his posture and his words that created a look of wisdom about him. It was no surprise that it was he whom had been he whom lead the United Shinobi Alliance. There was only a brief pause from the Sand Village’s Kage now, as he carefully chooses his next words. Despite the fact that he had paused multiple times throughout his speaking, each moment of silence was brief; resulting in the entire, on going story to flow smooth and fluidly. As with his other very brief pauses, after only a literal second or two, Gaara continues. “It was only after I had been saved from myself, that I was rid of the hatred and self-loathing which had always been my prison. I no longer desired vengeance against the world for how I had been treated. I instead longed to be truly loved and accepted; and I wanted to protect the Village which had despised and feared me. With time, I had earned the love and acceptance of Sunagakure as the Fifth Kazekage.” He adds, his solemn expression and seemingly emotionless but truthfully analytical eyes remaining unwavering. Now, for the first time throughout Gaara’s story, there was a long pause which seemed to disrupt his story. To some, it may have appeared as though Gaara had finished talking; however the ANBU whom remained kneeling behind him knew better than to make such assumptions. “…I don’t understand, Lord Kazekage…. What does any of this have to do with how you or I feel about this place?” one of the ANBU ask, both confused and curious. Listening to the question, Gaara only now wavers in his expression; though the only change in his facial expression was a subtle narrowing of his eyes. Though this slight change in expression went unseen by the two ANBU members, it signified a level of sincerity to the response to come. “… It has everything to do with this…” Gaara answers, causing the two ANBU to raise their heads faintly, as if their attention to Gaara’s words had somehow managed to become increased. With another, this time somewhat brief pause, Gaara begins to explain the connection. “Had I never met the Leaf’s Jinchūriki, Uzumaki Naruto… I would have continued as I was, consumed in my own hatred and sorrow. I would have lacked the bonds that I have now, and Lady Chiyo would have been unable to give her life to restore mine after Shukaku had been extracted from me by the Akatsuki; as a direct result of this, I would have been unable to aid the Shinobi Alliance against the Akatsuki, and Ōnoki would have failed in stopping Uchiha Madara’s meteors from wiping us out.” Though Gaara was continuing to speak in a calm and collected manner, the two Shinobi behind him listen silently and attentively to the Kazekage. As Gaara mentions the meteors which had been brought down towards the earth by Madara’s Rinnegan, the two kneeling Shinobi shift their gaze to peer past Gaara’s side to look at the broken meteor which had threatened to eliminate the United Shinobi Alliance. Even with the five years that had past since the fabled battle, the massive pillar of sand Gaara had used to catch the first of Madara’s meteors still stood tall, though it was now surrounded by the lifeless, dried out Madara Forest. Gaara’s words rang true, however even after Gaara’s explanation of the butterfly effects which would have occurred had he never met Naruto, the actual point seemed to be missing. “I see… But, respectfully Lord Kazekage, I don’t see what that has to do with how anyone feels towards that decayed and withered battle ground….” The ANBU comments respectfully. Now, Gaara was going to reach the point. After listening to the ANBU’s respectful yet curious and confused response, Gaara speaks, though his eyes never leave the sight of the Madara Forest. “It’s hope….” he says calmly, causing further, however slight confusion in the ANBU. “Sir?” One of the kneeling Shinobi muses, hoping for a clarification. “You said that the only thing that you see here is pain, and that it only serves you as a reminder of what we have lost…. However my eyes see something else entirely… As I look upon that battle abandoned battle ground, I remember the faces of all the countless Ninja who had died that day, and it weighs heavily on my heart…. However, it was there that we found ourselves face to face with an impossible enemy, in a battle that would determine whether everyone in the world would live, or die…. It was there that we fought, and took for ourselves hope, not just that we’d survive, but that we’d service united together as the Shinobi Alliance…” Gaara now allowed his gaze to slowly shift towards the right corners of his eyes; allowing him to look towards the two still kneeling Shinobi over his shoulder, as his head calmly turns a little to the right. “As I gaze upon that battle scarred Landscape, my eyes see the same thing I see in Naruto. A reminder that hope can be found even where none exists. And its for this reason, that I have come here today.” Gaara explains, finally finished with his explanation and his story. Though Gaara had finished, the two members of an ANBU Squad remain silent. It had become clear to them why Gaara mentioned the change Naruto brought into his heart, and they now understood the connection between everything he had spoken of in his story, and hope. Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage of Sunagakure, was trying to pass down some of his own wisdom; though his reasons behind this possibly deep lesson was a mystery. All these two ANBU squad members knew, was that it caused it to seem as though something was wrong, or soon to be. “My Lord Kazekage…. I… I understand.” With the ANBU’s acknowledgement, Gaara’s seemingly emotionless eyes continue peering over his right shoulder and into the eyes of the ANBU whom spoke, though only for a moment before Gaara offers a single downward nod of his own head and once more looks forward; his gaze once more falling upon the Madara Forest, and the meteor-supporting pillar of sand that the Madara Forest surrounds. “Sir?” The second ANBU asks, finally speaking up for the first time. Although the second ANBU member was about to ask if there was something wrong, he was unable to say anything beyond ‘sir’ before the Kazekage spoke up once more. This time however, Gaara had a different intention. “Return to the Sand Village and instruct ANBU Squad B to ensure that the secret evacuation tunnels of the Village are clear and prepared for last minute use. Also, ensure that every Sand ANBU squad member is on their guard. I want scouts around the Village Walls to ensure that Sunagakure is secured.” These orders managed to catch the two ANBU members off guard, immediately raising the frightening question ‘Are we going to war?!’ in both of their minds. Still, they do not speak this or any question out loud. Instead, they bowed their heads and spoke calmly in unison, “Yes, Lord Kazekage.” before they both vanish in an upwards motion to follow through with completing their new orders. ‘Its unlikely that these are preparations for war… But still…’ Gaara thinks to himself silently, taking into consideration the recent and unusual reports he had been receiving surrounding the Rock and Cloud Villages. Now, with the ANBU well on their way to complete their instructions, Gaara continues to stand there silently upon the tall, rocky formation, contemplating defense tactics in case his Village were to fall under attack.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:28:00 +0000

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