This is an open letter. Travelling alone can be hard. You crave - TopicsExpress


This is an open letter. Travelling alone can be hard. You crave companionship where there is beauty, you laugh out loud because you laugh alone. There is constant struggle to maintain urges that once bought you happiness, because in truth, you no longer have them. You always find new experiences on the road, something I cannot be more grateful for, but a better part of my life experience lay in the past, and its the past that had made you, who it is who you are, now. You are the residual effect your past. When you leave your home, you also leave your past, good and bad, and when the big hand of your leave starts to tick just under the one year mark you really start to appreciate. You appreciate the loved ones you left behind, you appreciate the tensions you let die down, the friends that made you laugh, a laugh only that one friend could, the family, the unconditional loves you have, and the imperfections of society you left. Home as they say is home and thats where your heart nurtured. So what do you do? Do you come back? Well, travelling alone, no matter how desolate and lonely it can be can also be the revelation you need in your life. My journey, not unlike many travellers Ive met is now being funded solely off the back of my own creative endeavours. I volunteer where I can, stay in my tent where ever possible and produce/sell as much art as I can. I love and I move on, I make friends that last for the moment and I make alliances that last a life time, I make mistakes that make me stronger and I gain wisdom in rhetoric of those mistakes. I think, I write, I draw, I play. My life is, in essence, what Ive always dreamed it to be. So you maintain happiness during the struggle of being away by simply remembering what you left behind. From memory to memory you start to unlock more and more experiences that were once hidden in a veil of your present circumstances. You start to remember the music you listened to, the books you read, the journeys you went on. Your past is full of feelings that you will never live again, feelings you will never have again if it were not for remembering, memories filled with the love, love completely unabated, happiness without reigns. So this open letter, an open letter to anyone who is struggling with happiness, who is struggling with who they are and where they want to be, is an open letter to my friends and family, to my brothers and sisters, to my acquaintances and my lovers, to you whom I have not yet met and may never meet; look to your past, look to innocence without struggle, look to where your happiness shined more than ever in your life, this is where your future is. From Malaysia with love, Ersan
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 13:14:32 +0000

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