This is an open letter to Brett Loudermilk in response to the low - TopicsExpress


This is an open letter to Brett Loudermilk in response to the low class attack he has made on me and my family on his personal page. I have tried to call him numerous times and he refuses to answer. I posted this on his page where he made his false claims but he deletes it. Brett, I didnt make your life miserable. I gave you your first real break. I flew you out from North Carolina when no one was looking out for you or was willing to hire you long term. This was after you quit the World Of Wonders Sideshow after two weeks and said similar horrible things about Ward Hall. How old were you? I let you sleep on my couch and covered all you needed for 7 months. I gave you a full time job and believed in you. I supported your dreams and promised that if you stood by me you would always be a part of what I was creating. I treated you like family for real. You worked hard with us and my whole family loved you completely (in many ways, we still do and always will). Me and you talked about sideshow history all the time and always had fun. I pushed you to be your best and wanted to help you become the King Of Swords. All I ever did to you was to tell you that you needed to be exclusive to the Freakshow if we were going to be exclusive to you (meaning I wouldnt hire all the other performers who were begging for your spot). You grinded it out with us for a long time and I know that wore you out. This life isnt for everyone but you put in good time and I told you hang on because I was going to make the TV show happen. You lost faith at the wrong gave up too quick. I hired Morgue to fill in for you because you couldnt do it. By the way, your memory is a little was you that asked me, What are you going to do about him? when you heard Morgue had learned to swallow swords and now you werent the only sword swallower in Venice. I even allowed you to decide which days you would work and, at first, gave Morgue the days you didnt want to work. He was hungrier than you. You couldnt handle how well he was doing. You started hanging out at the Magic Castle and thought you were above our audience. You even started insulting our customers like they were beneath you. One day you just didnt show up. Morgue came in to cover for you. I told you again not to quit because I was going to make the TV show happen, but you didnt come back. One thing I will admit that I was strong about was keeping quiet about what we were doing so no one could mess up our chance....thats what any business owner would expect from their team. After we got the TV show deal, I brought you back to see if it could work but you got into an argument with Danielle over trivial nonsense. It was obvious that it wouldnt work anymore. I told you how much I love you and care about you and you know that was never fake. You cant rewrite history just because it didnt go your way. You are the one performer that to this day I regret losing my relationship with. You would have been running things with me as Vice President of our business and TV production company if you hadnt quit. Instead, you have chosen the low road and have decided to exaggerate your story to make you a hero and me the evil villain. Those that really know me know the truth. All of you that would join against me.....ask yourself if I have earned this type of abuse or if this is just a young man angry that he made the wrong decision at the wrong time and now is just trying to make himself feel better. Brett, I always wish you the best. You are talented and I have been very excited for your success. Keep doing that and let the past be the past. By the way, the show has not been cancelled. We still have 6 episodes to go and we will not know until they air whether we will get another season or not. It was that way last year too (when many of you said we would never get a 2nd season). Just remember that we have tried to bring sideshow to the masses the best way we can and we have tried to include everyone we know in the show. A lot of good has come to everyone because of that. I hope everyone has benefitted in some way.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 04:42:39 +0000

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