This is an open letter to free state arts and culture for their - TopicsExpress


This is an open letter to free state arts and culture for their annual event named macufe.. For many years weve witnessed how macufe only make few artists rich while others stay poor and unrecognized.. For many years Weve seen not so good people sing at best stages of macufe while others sing at that empty arts craft market side of macufe I call it the graveyard.. Macufe has looked down on its own for many years and thats not a joke no free state artist get paid a million or even R200 000.. but the Americans and the so-called big artists get the more money than us the free state artists.. They pay us nothing saying we dont have names in the music business even though macufe has a name to give us that name.. Ive been on tv making the so-called name in the music business and yet I got paid nothing and I still had to wait for that nothing.. Theres no artist in the world who is bigger than macufe so why should we be told that we dont have a name to be on the main show of macufe? Why should we suffer for being free state artists? Whats wrong for being an artists from the free state? Macufe you have failed us the free state artists youve looked down on us for many years and that for me its bad for business.. We have some of the best musicians from here in the country who are from here but will never see them perform on the main stage because they dont qualify.. My believe is that we the artists should become as one and let macufe work for those that has been benefitting since the start.. Keep our arts to ourselves and do things our own way.. Macufe youve made us valueless artists with this event paying us R1000 to R3000 While others get paid millions.. Macufe undermines free state artists and thats a fact.. I dont wanna be part of macufe cause Ive made myself your slave for many years but not again macufe not again.. one of the most embarrassing moment I had with macufe was back in 2012 when they auditioned me after being on South African idols top 33 in 2011.. and they knew all about that but they made me audition anyway and then after that they made me wait for my money for a month if not 2.. I was not happy for waiting for my money so I posted something on Facebook saying I wanna go and talk to media about how macufe does not wanna pay us.. And things changed in arts and culture toward me.. people started not talking to me and saying things that I didnt understand.. since then I didnt wanna take part in this event I do sing when people ask me to but not because they macufe asked me to sing. Im not gonna lie my dear macufe comity Im very angry with you for looking down on me other talented artist from this beautiful province.. Through macufe we as the province should be making stars every year to go on tour with big artists around the country.. Ive opened for big artists Ive also shared the stage with them why should I sing for less than 20 people at macufe every year while other people sing for thousands and thousands on big stages at waterfront island? Its unfair I will never sing at macufe if I will have to sing at the arts craft market again for less money and less fans .. That place Its one of the most empty places That Ive been asked to perform at out there.. its not selling us or even work as a good platform to get us out there only few free state artists benefit from this event (macufe).. I know Dogs will be set on me for saying this as it has happened before but we cant let this happen freely without addressing it.. Im one of the people I know who give 100% on stage because I understand what it means to perform for thousands of happy fans.. Ive been recognized by other provinces but looked down by my own province shame on you for that.. Theres a guy by the name of Mandela conana most people know him as Mr vava vom he is one of the best artists from this province he moved to Johannesburg because there was no life for him here in fact him and I moved to Johannesburg because there was nothing for us here.. He and are making a good living there away from home while we cant even sing once at the main stage of this so-called annual biggest festival in the free state.. If my name get black listed in the macufe which I dont mind because even if Im in good standing with you I still get paid nothing.. I just wanted to say that my art or my singing its my property I will never let your annual event determine my future as Ive been doing this even before I knew about macufe.. Yours in arts and one of the most talented artist that has ever walked the streets of free state.. Serame Sediti
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 04:55:02 +0000

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