This is an outstanding article written by Ray Comfort. Comfort - TopicsExpress


This is an outstanding article written by Ray Comfort. Comfort like many other born-again Christians had been wrongfully called “false teachers,” for teaching what their accusers call “Lordship salvation.” Comfort (and myself as well) teach that repentance is a Biblical commandment, and that it is an evidence of salvation. Moreover, that if there has been no repentance, then there has been no salvation. Comforts’ article may not be politically correct, but it is Biblically correct. As I’ve said before. “Once again brethren, we are saved solely by grace. There is nothing we can do to earn merit into heaven. However, once we are saved by grace, since Jesus is Lord; I desire to do nothing but ‘worship His Lordship.’ If that’s “Lordship salvation,” then I am guilty. Remember the Scriptures say that we were “bought with a price.” Born-again Christians (a follower of Christ) are to be bond-slaves to Christ. He now owns me, and I am now His slave. Therefore I must worship the Lordship of King Jesus.”
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 14:09:18 +0000

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