This is and isnt true..lets take a single mother.. lets say she is - TopicsExpress


This is and isnt true..lets take a single mother.. lets say she is making fifteen dollars an hour works 160 hours a month average. has two kids and pays forty dollars a week daycare per child. she is on low income housing and pays six hundred dollars a month rent.. her utilities are fifty dollars for electricity ..roughly 600.00 comes out right away for income tax and social security and medicare.. leaving 1800.00 to live on.. minus the 600.00 for low income housing rental equals 1200.00 to live on minus 320.00 for daycare equals 880.00 now lets say she has a car that costs a hundred dollars a month payment then you have 780.00 a month for car insurance, gas, electricity, food, clothing and any other essentials that is needed like oil changes tires, garbage etc. Now kick in health insurance for some single mom making 15.00 an hour it would be a real problem affording a six hundred dollar tab for health insurance for her and her kids. I think that is why they put wage limits so that those with lower incomes like those in the fifteen dollar an hour wage category will pay less but then I am not sure on the specifics... now the sad part is how many fifteen dollar an hour jobs are there for single mothers.The majority of jobs available to the common man are within the 8.50 to 13.00 an hour range from what I hear the top wage where I worked is still around thirteen dollars an hour and starting is around nine. which makes it reasonable to figure that they will be working more hours and paying more in daycare.. the second thing is where to you find affordable daycare or a car payment for a hundred dollars.. Now figuring it from a small businessmans perspective how can they afford to pay a living wage when they themselves are struggling. I think that is why small businessmen started to with hold insurance options back in the early eighties and hiring part time employees. It is also I think why there has been a decline in family unity. mostly because more people are having to work multiple jobs to make ends meet. This is a good thing and a bad thing because a person that works multiple jobs is not able to give his best to any one position. either there will be a limitation to work availability in case of overtime hours or his reduced work performance and the lack of exposure for family, a declining physical health. the good thing is the small businessman is able to operate on a lower scale and the worker is able to provide the basics for his family. Been there done all of that. I see and understand the argument from both sides of this Issue. I also see the need for healthcare accessibility for every one. I dont personally like how they got it through or how they are doing it and it obviously should not be run by government.. but then again you didnt see the insurance industry or business community working real hard to fix it either and that is how it became a political issue... Obviously people will hate me for voicing my opinion.. but as a guy I once knew and would visit with.. just think about it..
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 16:53:56 +0000

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