This is another evidence of the power within you in collective - TopicsExpress


This is another evidence of the power within you in collective action. That energetic and vibrational systems within you can work alone when activated by an individual to accomplish any task at hand and it works in an exponentially greater capacity, intensity and speed when in a group of 2 or more people who have the same purpose. It works just like a single electric battery of a particular voltage can work for a time according to its capacity but provides more power when joined together with another or more batteries. Grouping them together boost its potentials in many ways than the single battery. The power of numbers is still a hidden phenomenon to the ordinary human minds but to the few who are savy, it is the power that knows no boundaries. That is why a few savy leaders insist on keeping the masses ignorant about your own individual potentials so that they can continue to manipulate your collective energies to build their own personal empires in different ways with your unconscious full support. Those days of collective ignorance and captivity are fast gone now and we are at the beginning of the much awaited new earth and new heaven. It is the age of individual freedom and individual responsibility. You need new tools of conscious thinking and new skills or habit of watching your emotional feelings. Your only single goal in this age is to feel good now and when youre feeling good, go on to the next item goal of feeling better now. By watching your emotional feelings which are always precise indication of what you are thinking in the moment, it is your only single duty to watch and know how you are feeling now and if it doesnt feel good, to change the thoughts that are producing the bad feeling by remembering an event or experience that has made you happy and joyful before and to begin to think about it for a few seconds and that thought will automatically kick in a natural phenomenon that is now popularly called the Law of Attraction to begin to attract more good feeling thoughts into your mind, and that will restore you back to the good feeling mode where all the miracles and the things you are praying for are waiting for you without effort. These are the tools and skills you originally were born with. Every Child comes with it. Nobody teaches a new born baby to smile or to cry. It is an inate part of your being to indulge in good feeling experiences and to crave for more of its kind but to avoid bad feeling experiences like an inferno. This basic information and understanding of human nature has been systematically culled away from the knowledge of the general public for thousands of years but hidden in books like the bible in elitist poetry styles and symbolic languages that are perfectly understood by initiates and members of special interest fraternal groups that you know about as the Lodges. You no longer have to be an apprentice in the fraternity anymore in order to know that you alone are responsible for your wellbeing or failure by the way you allow your mind to think and your emotions to feel. As a man thingketh in his heart, so is he. All the things you want to be, do or have are already waiting for you to find them by your good feeling thoughts of joy happiness, gracefulness, certainty, gratitude,thankfulness, mercy and peace while all the things you dont want are also waiting for you by your bad feeling thoughts of revenge, fear, guilt, shame, slander, worry and the likes. So from now that you know what Paul was trying to teach in Philipians 4: 4-8, stop blaming the God in the outer world and the Satan in the outer world and start making choices between the God within you and the Satan within you. They are your thoughts and emotional choices. Enjoy your human mind and its unlimited wonderful ways in this happy ending demonstration of the power in you. Enjoy.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 03:10:04 +0000

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