This is another part of my book Im writing! :) A friend of mine - TopicsExpress


This is another part of my book Im writing! :) A friend of mine said he was interested in going along with me. Glastonbury is only about an hour drive from my house but as I picked up my friend from Windsor first it took a bit longer and meant that we passed Stonehenge on the way. My friend said he would like to visit Stonehenge so I parked up and we went in and got a ticket. Well shock! £16 entrance fee. The first part you go into was an indoor exhibition area. I could only stay to look briefly because I felt really horrible dense energy in there. I got a headache and started to feel sick. So I told my friend I would wait for him outside. When I got to the stones (which you cant get too near because it was sectioned of by a rope fence,) I felt the need to sit in front of it cross legged. My friend got told off for walking past the fence towards the stones, but he did say he felt an energy rush come through his feet. We headed on down to Glastonbury. I knew we wanted to visit The Abbey, Chalice Well and Glastonbury Tor in particular. My car sat nav took me to Glastonbury town centre. I pulled over to find the street name and it was Mary Magdelene street that i had stopped in. We parked up and went in to the Abbey first. Whilst I was there I was reading a poster board of information regarding Joseph of Arimethea, the holy grail and the ark of the covenants. I read the first sentence when I noticed that the wall to my right was moving. What was happening? When I looked at it, it was waving in a continual undulating fashion. How was this possible? It was a solid deep red coloured wall with a pillar next to it. Obviously I had stopped reading the text because my mind was trying to work out how I was seeing what I was with the wall. I found my friend and told him what I had seen in a confused and anxious manner. He calmed me down and said relax and see if I could see it again, so I did and I could. Again the wall was waving. My eyes welled up and I looked at him in despair saying yes I see it again. I put my head in my hands and walked away shaking my head. I told him I didnt want to see it again so I didnt finish reading the text. I started to feel my face was hot. I just thought it was that I had gotten too hot. We had a walk around the Abbey grounds and went back to the car. When I looked in my rear view mirror I was horrified as my face was a mass of bright red and felt like it was on fire. I looked horrific. I thought what in ever is going on now? Anyway I drove a short way to chalice well. We bought some bottles to fill up with water from the springs there as they had apparently healing properties. There are several different wells and springs inside. The assistant advised us to fill our bottles up with water from the Lion fountain spring as this was the most healing. Whilst at the spring meditating my face really felt like it was hot again and stinging and my friend said it was bright red. I put some of the water on it and it did feel a lot cooler. The leaflet and map that we were given on entry had one of the attractions? called the angel seat. We went to find it. It was a stone seat with a statue of an angel attached to it at the back. The rear of the seat was like a small wall. Someone had left two candles there so we decided to light them. I lit one whilst my friend held it. Suddenly he said WOAH! He was looking at the candle flame and as I did i could see what he was woahing at. The candle flame had gone horizontal and the horizontal flame was spinning around in a circle really fast. I wont repeat exactly what I said at this point but I was truly taken aback. Id never seen a flame do such a thing. It seemed as though some kind of powerful force was making the flame do this as there was no wind and even if there had been Im sure the flame if there was enough wind to make it go horizontal it would have blown out. Yet how fast it span you would have thought that would make it go out but it didnt. My friend handed the candle to me and as he held it out towards me it spun with even more force. He said to me, Its you, Youre making it do it! But I wasnt. I took a video of it. Its unfortunate that I cant post it here for you to see. We eventually got up from the seat and my friend walked off to look at another well. I took a couple of steps forward from the seat and was facing in the opposite way to the entrance. For some reason I lifted up my left hand to look in my diamond ring. As I did I there were gold streaks I could see in my peripheral vision all around the outer part of my field of view. they were moving in a steady as in speed but jolty fashion. The only way I can describe it is when some people paint pictures of the sun it looks like gold rays of intermittent light that start off thin at the sun and are ticker on the outer edges with gaps in between. Well it was just like that but instead the light was coming from all around and meeting at a central point in my diamond. When all these rays? reached the centre there was a slight pause before the next wave of them jolted in a vibratory fashion. Then as I was watching continual waves one after another I noticed that the physical surroundings; plants, grass, shrubs and trees etc went very wavy and see through. I remember thinking to myself Oh my gosh what on earth is going to happen next? Me getting sucked into some other dimension or reality or something? I started to shake and cry and looked around to see where my friend was. He saw the distress I was in and comforted me and said to embrace it. I looked again and the same thing happened and as in the Abbey I could only stand to look at it for so long before I found it too disturbing.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 17:19:39 +0000

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