This is another story you will find interesting. Read, Enjoy and - TopicsExpress


This is another story you will find interesting. Read, Enjoy and Learn;:::; THE TEENAGERS LOVE Episode 1 Segun got down at the junction leading to his house and started walking along the untarred road that led to his house. FIVE MINUTES LATER He knocked on the big black iron gate at the entrance of his fathers house. His junior sister Mary opened the gate for him. Welcome bro Segun. She greeted bending her knees. Thank you. He answered. Bring your bag. She requested. Giving it to her. Is Daddy at home? he asked. No. she replied. What of mummy? Shes not back from the shop. she answered. He entered into the sitting room, climbed the stairs and went straight to his room to change and take a shower. He came down some minutes later and asked for his food. He was served a plate of rice and fried plantain and fish. He ate the food hungrily and went into his room to take a nap. He woke up two hours later and he discovered that the PHCN(Power Holding Company of Nigeria) had restored the light. He scrambled out of bed to plug his phone to charge. Then he settle d down to read for his next paper, Agricultural Science which was scheduled to take place the following monday. He read for the next on hour before he went to the dining to have his dinner. He got there and found mary in the living room watching T.v. He finished his food and rose up to go to bed. Wont you go and sleep? he asked. I will. But i want to finish this movie. She answered. Okay, but kindly reduce the volume so that you wont disturb dad and mum. He requested. She picked up the remote control and reduced the volume. Goodnight. He said Goodnight. She replied. Immediately he got into his room, he unplugged his phone and logged in to a popular chat application known as 2go. He was suprised to see a pending friend request from a strange user jummy77. He accepted the request and he discovered that the user was online. His phone beeped. A new message. The following the course which their conversation took; Jummy77: Hi. Shegzy: Hello. Jummy77: How are you? Shegzy: Am good and you?….please do i know you? Jummy77: Am fine. Jummy77: This is Jummy, Omolayos friend. Shegzy: Oh! Its you. How was your day. Jummy77: It was good. Shegzy: Dats good to hear. Jummy77: How is your girlfriend. [smile>big grin] He chatted with a few more friends before exiting the application. He picked up his essential Agrictultural science textbook and started reading. He slep around 2am the following morning which was a sunday. MONDAY MORNING. Mr Akinola was seated on a sofa in the sitting room with his wife and daughter. You! Call your brother for me. He said. She stood up and went upstairs towards Seguns room. Knocking the door. Bro Segun? Daddy is calling you. Okay, am coming. He replied. She left the door and went back to the sitting room to join her parents. Few minutes later, Segun descended the stairs and went to the sitting room. Yes Dad, I learnt youre calling me. Yes. Arent you going for your papers today? I will but i have an afternoon paper. He replied. Okay! Take. He said handing him a # 100 note. Thank you sir. Standing on his feet. See you later in the evening. Bye Dad. They both chorused. Daddy, wait let me pick my bag, so you can drop me in the shop. His wife said. Arent you taking your car? he asked. Yes, i dont feel like. She replied. No problem. Meet me outside. he said. Mrs Akinola stood up and went inside to pick up her handbag. She re-emerged a few minutes later. Mary? Yes mum. Make sure you prepare something to eat before your father comes back. Ok ma. With this, she went outside and joined her husband in the green Toyota RAV-4 parked outside. Off they both went out. 11:30AM Segun came out of his room dressed in a blue long sleeves fitted shirt and a black pant trouser with a black paul smith shoe. He was looking handsome and cute. Mary was seated in the living room reading a novel. She looked towards the dining area when she heard footsteps on the stairs. Where to? She asked. Am off for my papers. He replied. But i thought it is scheduled for 2pm. She asked. Yes, youre right but i have to make it early to the exam hall to avoid stories that touch. He explained. Okay, safe journey. She prayed. Amen, thanks. He replied. Heads will surely turn in that centre when they see a handsome boy enter. she said laughing. hmmm. He giggled before rushing out of the house. 12:45PM Segun walked into Loyola colled on monday afternoon. He walked towards the examination hall opposite the school football pitch. He entered the hall and walked towards his seat. Only a few student were around as at the time he came. He greeted those seated at the front seats, he looked towards the end of the hall and saw someone wave at him, he waved back and sat down. He mumured a few words of prayer, opened his textbook and did some 1th-hour revision. Hey! she said tapping on the shoulder. Oh! Its you? he replied. How are you? she asked. Am fine and you? he replied. Am okay. she answered. thats good. he said. Are you busy? she asked. No, why? he replied with a question. Just want to read my books. Ok have your sit. He said shifting for her. THIRTY FIVE MINUTES INTO THEIR READING OR RATHER GISTING. A light complexioned guy walked into the exam hall burning with anger. He tapped seguns table, disrupting their conversation. Yes! How may i help you? Segun asked. What are you doing with my girlfriend? He asked. Episode 2 to be continue at 12:00 GMT (12PM)
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 10:26:22 +0000

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