This is awesome According to Katherine Timpf at NRO, a Nebraska - TopicsExpress


This is awesome According to Katherine Timpf at NRO, a Nebraska school district has instructed its teachers to quit using expressions like boys and girls because theyre too gendered and instead, they need to use gender inclusive ones, like purple penguins. Im not even making this up. Theres a whole training guide which was distributed to middle school teachers at a Lincoln Public School which discourages the use of phrases like ladies and gentlemen. This is the level of insanity our country has reached. The guide suggests, Create classroom names and then ask all of the ‘purple penguins’ to meet on the rug.” Thats just one suggestion out of several proposed by Gender Spectrum, which is apparently an organization that provides education, training and support to help create a gender sensitive and inclusive environment for children of all ages.” Apparently, this is a big enough issue that we need to DISRUPT OUR ENTIRE WAY OF LIFE AND LANGUAGE to make sure the itsy bitsy teeny weeny fraction of children who cant decide whether theyre girls or boys feel accepted. Gender Spectrums training guide advises teachers to ask themselves, Will this configuration create a gendered space? when theyre having kids line up for recess or lunch or whatever other activity theyre about to engage in. Instead of lining up according to gender, they should line up according to whether they like dogs or cats. FOR REAL. They also suggest having the teachers decorate their classrooms with all genders are welcome signs. But it doesnt end with teachers, because teachers are also instructed to interfere and interrupt if they catch kids referring to each other as boys or girls, because those crazy kids need to learn themselves a lesson about gender fluidity. HOW DARE they refer to each other in ways that have made sense for centuries? Its 2014, yall. Get your preferred gender pronoun handbooks out! If youre wondering whether or not this much attention is given to topics like - oh I dont know - math and writing and reading and whatnot, I would bet the answer is no. Because progressive bullsh*t nonsense like this seems to trump an Actual Education or any valuable classroom instruction these days. Its simply another sign of the times.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:37:44 +0000

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