This is becoming far too common for veterans all over this - TopicsExpress


This is becoming far too common for veterans all over this country. The men & women who put their lives on the line have been progressively treated worse by both the government & the general public. Its a fad for people to put little magnetic ribbons on their cars to show there support but they miss the meaning of the word support. They dont realize that 1% of the people in this country had the stones to stand up & fight in the armed forces & to support them means refusing to permit anyone in the country to disrespect them by refusing to treat them medically for injuries sustained in a place that they were told to go & doing what they were told to do. I TRULY SUPPORT my brothers & sisters in arms. I stand behind those on the front lines, next to those veterans who have returned & in ftont of the remaining WWII veterans, Vietnam veterans & those too disabled to fight for themselves. I stand where I do in support of them & in defense of them. I will never back down & I call for EVERYONE to join with me. I am not sure what good I can do or we can do since wr arent famous or rich but Ill be damned if I will stand idly by while the best & bravest of this country are cast aside. I call out to everyone who reads this to join me. Show this country that the veterans & active military men & women have earned better & demand that it is provided. Hell, the MGIB that we paid in to (something the average civilian is unaware of), yes...we paid in to an account to get MGIB is being threatened to be taken away because these laughable members of our government are too busy lining their own pockets & squabbling with one another to do their damned jobs. STAND WITH ME AND SCREAM OUT IN EVERYTHING YOU DO, WE WILL NO LONGER STAND FOR THE POOR TREATMENT OF OUR WARRIORS OR THEIR FAMILIES. Thats all...for now. Please share this. Stop being afraid of what people think & start doing whats right. Because I can promise you that if the men & women mentioned above & in that article below acted on fear & were concerned about what others thought The United States of America would not exist & you wouldnt be reading this on that fancy gadget youre holding. 90% of us wouldnt exist as our ancestors woukd have been slaughtered & the rest would be too busy trying to survive while squat pissing in a 3rd world slum governed by lawless & violent people as it is done in many of the countries that have challenged us. Grow a pair & SHARE! Our veterans & military deserve better from those they have & do defend.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 22:00:10 +0000

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