This is certainly left-field from horse dentistry, but I - TopicsExpress


This is certainly left-field from horse dentistry, but I personally consider it worth sharing ... at least with our more mature (ahem!) followers : Though deemed a "heartless bastard" by isolated (and obviously ill-informed) individuals over the years ... who, by virtue of cardiograms and DNA, have been proven wrong on both counts .... I have been at care to look after my "ticker" (... aside from my recently ballooning weight of course … which both Mother Nature and “she who must be obeyed” have addressed in recent times … more later). As manual equine dentistry is a highly physical occupation, requiring both a good “motor” and “hydraulics”, I have had routine blood pressure tests, occasional cardiograms, and have taken 100mg of Aspirin every single day for at least the last 15 years. I also have a pop-top bottle of fresh water within arm’s reach at all times, and have trained myself to drink at highly regular intervals. Luckily, this all fits well with the attached article, and being middle-aged myself ( … if I live to 116), I do appreciate Juz Rogers sharing Sue Lawrence’s highly informative post. As for my weight problem, my lovely wife Irene has blown the cobwebs off our treadmill and bought me a new one-piece spandex outfit … in soft lilac …. to burn off my “muffin-top”. In addition, Mother Nature … courtesy of dodgy mussels in an equally dubious seafood linguine I ate last week … has also done her bit …. as over the last five days, our “S”-bend has seen more action than the Western Front of the ‘40’s. Methinks that restaurant should rename that dish “Seafood Surprise” ….. as my sustained industrial-strength colonic irrigation ……. from the “north” … was certainly that ! Trust your gut feeling: Anyone intending to dine at a particular in-house restaurant on the Albert Park side of St. Kilda Rd, Melbourne, in the near future, would be well advised to steer clear of the seafood. If it looks or smells as though it’s already been through the alimentary canal of something further up the food chain …. it probably has ! Alas, I digress …. but please do take the time to read the accompanying shared post. Your life may depend on it.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 02:43:27 +0000

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