This is comment I sent to tonight. 26 May 2014 - TopicsExpress


This is comment I sent to tonight. 26 May 2014 Comment # 567 Barack I acquired the habit of posting a comment to the White House in February 2012. This has allowed me the opportunity to make a comment on Memorial Day that is an honor to our Veterans who gave all and those that live with the physical and mental scars of combat. I have also used this occasion to make an effort to push your buttons about your failure as Commander and Chief and the general disdain the Democratic Party has for the men and women who serve this nation in hostile environments which have been created by politicians. Barack the first thing I will do is pay homage to the Greatest Generation. I want you to know that the first William Thomas Kinney was killed in the battle for the Pacific. My father physically survived the major battles in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, The Bulge and into Magdaburg, Germany. My father’s attempts to cope with PTSD came to an end in 2007 when he starved himself to death. He was among the many who died because of probable mishandling by the Veterans Administration. Barack you need to watch the movie “The Best Years of Their Lives”. It was made in 1946 and depicts the struggles of Veterans returning from war. Barack I am a Vietnam Veteran. I was part of a limited war LBJ did not have the courage to win after he started it. He did not even use the money he moved from the Social Security Trust Fund to help achieve victory. The Vietnam Veterans have become the unwanted step children. I am always amazed how unappreciative the Democrats are of their pawns. I think this exert proves the point. May 1, 1995 Where is the outrage over Donna Shalalas we didnt send our best and brightest to Vietnam statement? Is the woman so ignorant that she doesnt know the names Colin Powell, Norman Schwarzkopf, Bob Kerrey, John McCain? And you in the media just sit in silence while she insults the men and women who served, fought and died in that war. Dont tell me there is no media bias. Outrage only applies to Republicans. LARRY DORAZIO Barack we the people are now looking at you on this Memorial Day and listening to you make more speeches. Your words are hollow. You will waste “The Best Years of the Lives of the current Best and Brightest in order to achieve your personal agenda. Barack if it were not for the men and women who gave all, you would never have been in a position to dishonor them. Resign.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 04:06:11 +0000

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