This is considered the information age. Information seldom equates - TopicsExpress


This is considered the information age. Information seldom equates to knowledge. Proverbs 1:22 How long ye simple ones will you love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning and fools hate knowledge? Knowledge is what comes to become a part of you so much that it shapes who you are. In this case knowledge is the truth of God and only absolute truth will change your life. Discern the difference between information and knowledge. Reading the Bible can give you information or can become the truth that saves and changes lives. The difference is in your mind, what you choose. Which will you choose? Proverbs 1:23 Turn you at my reproof: behold I will pour out my spirit unto you. I will make known my words unto you. What God says and what he means will he make known to you if youre open enough to chew on his word! This is the knowledge that changes lives and is no longer just information. Are you willing? Do you want a different life? Do you want the life you have to become even better?! It is time to make your choice here and now. Choose in your heart and do what you have chosen. Hebrews 10:16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them. In order to get the words off the page and into where it will change lives we have to give God permission and quit limiting him! Take his word and chew on it. Dont just read it. The word laws overall means Gods word. If you want His word to change your life (this is the only way lives are changed for Gods best) then you have to not just read the word, but to contemplate it. Take the word and chew on it or worry it (if you can worry about bad things then you can do the same with good things too) and God, himself, will reveal his word to you personally. He will tell you what it means to you in your life and put it in your heart and mind. It will become such a part of you that nothing will shake it lose. That will be knowledge, truth revealed. This will change everything! So.. information ... or ... knowledge? One is about the world the other changes your world I am talking to everyone who want change in their life. Are you crying out begging for something to change? Are you saying that you dont want to hurt, you dont want to be depressed any more, youre sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you begging for love instead of pain? Are you tired of barely making by from one paycheck to another or not making it? Would you rather be so blessed that you could easily be a blessing to others? Do you want change in your spirit, body, and soul? Then it is not information that you need, it is knowledge... revelation knowledge. There is only one author that can give you this knowledge. Renew your mind in his word and mull it over and over and over until God reveals the truth of it to you. It will become such a part of you that all things will change. It will take time... which you do have, guaranteed. If you dont start now things will still be the same or worse, most likely, 2 years, 3 years, 10 years from now. Choose... Genesis tells us that God, the Creator, made everything that mankind would need BEFORE he created man. All physical needs and spiritual needs were met before man ever became flesh. Then man instead of choosing spirit and life. Instead man chose knowledge of good and bad or information which brought sin and death. God knew this would happen because man is flesh and by himself there is no way of fighting off the physical temptations and persist. We always end up falling down in the mud puddles. Because God knew these things before the world was made he had a way set up for us to have a choice. All the players had to be in place that would gladly choose Gods ways over their own. Then Gods only begotten Son was born to die for us, to take our disease, our sickness, our pain, our poverty, our lack, and our sin into his own body to pay our debt of sin. When he took all of this into himself, died, then was resurrected God restored mankinds relationship to him. He sent his Holy Spirit to live in us as we came to him openly, gladly. Gods Son, Jesus Christ, said it is finished and that is what he meant. All of the rest of anything well ever need was provided. Jesus finished his work. After giving more instruction to the disciples that would listen Jesus went back to the Father and sat down. This means he is done. He gave us his spirit, his authority, his partnership in everything! He has come to live in us to help guide and teach us. This is the Holy Spirit. This is the beginning to truth, of real knowledge.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 04:02:46 +0000

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