This is essentially the review I had on blogger, but I know some - TopicsExpress


This is essentially the review I had on blogger, but I know some people dont have a google account. Let me know if you would like me to keep doing these on the facebook page as well :) My Review of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo David Fincher’s take on the international best-selling book by author Stieg Larson is dark, foreboding, and just short of completely disturbing. It’s a tale that involves many characters, but largely revolves around the character of Mikael Blompkvist and the tenacious Lisbeth Salander. I’ll be honest: I love the book, and the Swedish version of this movie adaptation was really good. This movie had huge shoes to fill, so lets break it down. Tone Positives: As I said before, dark, foreboding, and a little disturbing. Its also very good on combining the slow menacing parts of the book, along with the more exciting parts, which creates an excellent sense of tension that rivals even the book’s. Negatives: This isnt necessarily a negative for myself per se, but I would believe myself remiss if I didnt mention it. Not all political points from the book make it on to the film. The core elements are there, but not as fleshed out as some would want it to be. Characters Positives: The main characters of this film are extremely well thought out, keeping all of the core elements of what the book readers would expect, and keeping newcomers engaged and rooting for them throughout the film. Lisbeth(Rooney Mara), Mikael(Daniel Craig), Martin Vanger(Stellen Skarsgard), and Henrik Vanger(Christopher Plummer) all stand out to me. Negatives: You are starting to notice comparison to the book yes? Well, since this is a book adaptation, I find it unavoidable for myself unfortunately. With that said, it is my regret to say that the secondary characters interactions were either not well done, or completely left out entirely. Its to be expected in a book to movie adaptation of course, but some of these had to be shortened down. For example: The relationship between Mikael and Erika Berger is never well explained, so while they are both acted well and their relationship believable; newcomers might be asking themselves at some point How does that three way relationship work really?. Soundtrack Positives: I am honestly astounded by this soundtrack. Trent Raznor and Atticus Ross I believe composed this one, and honestly hadnt heard of them before this film. The soundtrack completely nails the sense of foreboding and suspense that this film needed to drive the core concepts along.The choice of having an incredibly awesome version of the immigrant song in the opening sequence doesnt hurt either. Negatives: None honestly. One of the best soundtracks for a suspenseful drama and murder mystery movie, nough said. •Effects Positives: The opening credits roll of this film rival a good James Bond movie credit roll. Its not that Daniel Craig is in it- Its just that the song ,combined with the visuals on screen, completely make it clear what this film is: Dark, disturbing, and suspenseful. It also teases at events yet to pass in the future books as well. The sound, lighting, and camera work are also exceptionally done. It recreates(in my opinion) the scenes from the book faithfully, and just draws you completely into whats happening in the moment. Negatives: Not really anything here either as a negative. Just a solid job all around. **Spoilers!!/Memorable Moments** My favorite moments of this film from start to finish are those with the four characters I mentioned above. I have to start with Lisbeth. Lisbeths scenes are raw. She steals all attention to her and I never saw her as a poor helpless victim. I saw her as a courageous women who tackled the injustices done to her with fire; exactly the way the author would have wanted it. Mikaels scenes searching through old photographs are also exceptionally well done. Poorly shot, or with bad background music, people would have been falling asleep on these parts. Instead I was engrossed with the moment to moment suspense, squinting my eyes along with Mikael, trying to find some meaning in the half century long photos. And the moment when you see Martins torture room? Unreal. David Fincher really drives home that Martin is a calculated sadist, and you love it when he gets his at the end. **Spoilers End** Final Thoughts: Great Movie. Well acted and well shot, you will be with this moment to moment, completely hooked to the screen. I have minor grievances here and there, but thats mainly because I have read the series of books. If this was in theatres, I would say its a must see for every fan of the book, must see for thriller aficionados, and a good time for those for love a well thought out film. Its definitely not for children though, if you didnt get the hint already. Since this is not in theatres I would say its a buy on blue ray for sure. :) Rating: Get IT! *sub note* As this is my first review, please email me with any feedback. Seriously, any at all! I would love to get around to doing this professionally at some point, so I deciding to take these blogs as my training grounds for the next couple months. Please email me at hobothemagical@gmail (the name will change soon-dont worry) Thank you!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 19:06:13 +0000

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