This is exactly what it felt like going to Hell. Your mind drops - TopicsExpress


This is exactly what it felt like going to Hell. Your mind drops out of your body into a hole. There were no arms grabbing me, I went to hell 2 months after I died. Song of Solomon, that Is what the nightmyhhr is about. 13 people died, in Washington. He had an elf shooter. Eye dont want to go into that again. In song of Solomon it says she took me into the womb that conceived me, they think it is unholy but they dont know mother Earth, Father God, Mother Nature, baby Jesus. Jesus was born spiritually, when eye died I was reborn the same way. God is light. Eye have explained you cannot see pure light. this is why we say Cross my heart & hope to die stick a thousand needles in my eye. (valley of the shadow of death) It is proven Your eyes only see so many colors, everything you see comes back upside down, the mirrors in your eyes flip it right side up. A level eye, as miley says in wrecking ball or Katy Perry in Roar. If you ask a physicist if you gather up some light it has weight to it. Yet it goes on the ceiling defying gravity. God is light. As I was saying about hell when I went there no one was running things. Just 5 demons running around on fire, complete chaos there was no devil or SataN. I killed one with my diamond card. I took a picture or a flash of light out of my eye. The demons were screeching laughing running around me, they seemed to have no feeling until I put the diamond on him. He bursted into flames from the inside out screaming. Hell is in another dimension outside of time. When I died eye walked out of time. God is Light. Just because I shine light on situations you couldnt see before, does that make me bad? Jesus has the keys to hell & death revelations 1:18 does that make Jesus bad? I went to hell & it killed people here. How real is this? It does not matter what you think reality is, eye can explain my reality to you, can you explain your reality too me? If you say eye am the one losing touch with reality, eye will ask you what you are holding onto & where it is so eye can grab on too. Explain what reality is, Id love to hear your view of reality to.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:29:37 +0000

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