This is excerpt from kitab al-Irshad by Syeikh Mufid The - TopicsExpress


This is excerpt from kitab al-Irshad by Syeikh Mufid The Commander of the faithful Ali (AS), peace be on him, had twenty-seven children, male and female: 1. Al-Hasan 2. Al-Husayn 3. Zaynab the elder 4. Zaynab the younger, who was given the kunya Umm Kulthum. Their mother was Fatima, the blessed, mistress of the women of the worlds, daughter of the master of those sent by God and the seal of the prophets, the Prophet Muhammad. 5. Muhammad, who was given the kunya Abu al-Qasim. His mother was Khawla, daughter of Jafar b. Qays al-Hanafi. 6. Umar 7. Ruqayya They were twins. Their mother was Umm Habib, daughter of Rabia. 8. Al-Abbas 9. Jafar 10. Uthman 11. Abd Allah (The last four) were martyrs with their brother al-Husayn on the plain of Karbala. Their mother was Umm al-Banin, daughter of Hizam b. Khalid b. Darim. 12. Muhammad, the younger, who was given the kunya Abu Bakr. 13. Ubayd Allah Both of these were martyrs with their brother al-Husayn on that plain. Their mother was Layla, daughter of Masud al-Darimi. 14. Yahya His mother was Asma, daughter of Umays al-Khathami, may God be pleased with her. 15. Umm al-Hasan 16. Ramla The mother of these two was Umm Said, daughter of Urwa b. Masud al-Thaqafi. 17. Nafisa 18. Zaynab, the youngest 19. Ruqayya, the younger 20. Umm Hani 21. Umm al-Kiram 22. Jumana, who was given the kunya Umm Jafar. 23. Umana 24. Umm Salama 25. Maymuna 26. Khadija 27. Fatima These, the blessings of God be on them, had different mothers.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 20:52:06 +0000

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