This is for Jonathan, however James, Isaac, and many of my other - TopicsExpress


This is for Jonathan, however James, Isaac, and many of my other friends might enjoy it as well. Just think, this might be in your inbox in the future! Have you ever taken a moment to realize the magnificent planet we as a human race have lived on for millennia? The majesties of Earth from the span of purple mountains to the fruited plains are singularly unique among all the planets we have thus far discovered! Yet, as a species we have squandered this precious resource of ours, while other planets have barely enough native life on them to fill a single space cruiser! It’s time we bring to the planets that are blessed by our touch, the benefits we, up until now, have enjoyed alone. However, we are not arrogant fools, this will be a long process and take a lot of work to achieve. We have realized that only through joining together in this race, shall we ever hope to achieve the success we have thus far striven for! So it is with this glorious goal in mind that I present to you the merger of two great industry leaders, the Wayland-Yutani Industries and Umbrella Corp to become Umbra-Wayland-Yutani. Our plans are for a more controlled development of life, painstakingly customized for the individual planets and the needs from those planets. This is not general terraforming, nor is it the random and chaotic means of life generation pioneered by ventures such as The Genesis Project. We are also scaling up from position that has been taken by The Lexcorp Genome Database, which has very little active developmental applications and is more of a systematic collection of metagenetic research data. By no means do we mean to do any injustice to these formidable projects. They have given us massive leaps in not only understanding the universe on a nearly infinite scale, but also to comprehending the individual atoms and particles that make the infinitesimal regions. By standing on the shoulders of these giants, we can bring cohesiveness to the collective as a whole! Since, we will be focusing in the biological development, we have decided to outsource all the technological R&D to Aperture Science, (Our Trusted Friend in Science). Our goal for Umbra-Wayland-Yutani is to focus on the development of using the viral model for the delivery of the new biological instructions giving direction to the natural evolution of the life that is already established. We plan to use pylons made of dwarf star alloy in the precise ratio of 1 : 4 : 9. This allows for maximum dispersal of the viral delivery system thus being the most efficient way to convey to the universe our version of the blessing of life. God has given us this gift of the diversity of life on this, our home planet we hold dear. So it’ by divine right, we take it up as our mantle, nay!, as our duty to help the life forms we have discovered on these other planets to achieve these treasures we have so long taken for granted! As you can imagine, this project is wrought with extensive financial needs. It is not cheap to create monuments to direct a unified course to life. However, we are in a exceptional position to offer the unique opportunity to become the biological bases for these monoliths! Please take a hard look into future we are currently on and then take a look into the future that could be possible. For donation of a mere 200 million credits, YOU can become part of this future! We will use your unique DNA to become the basis for one of these monuments thus ensuring your effect on life for millennia to come. Can you really afford NOT to? Umbra-Wayland-Yutani Building Better Life – It’s Our Business!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 15:41:59 +0000

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