This is for Palestine, Ramallah, West Bank, Gaza, This is for the - TopicsExpress


This is for Palestine, Ramallah, West Bank, Gaza, This is for the child that is searching for an answer, I wish I could take your tears and replace them with laughter, Long live Palestine, Long live Gaza! While we listen to tunes, made by ignorant fools, Israel blocked the UN from delivering food, Theyll bring in the troops and you wont even glimpse at the news, They make money of the products that we are quick to consume, Its not simply a question of differing views, Forget emotions, this is fact, what I spit is the truth, Makes no difference if youre a Christian or if youre a Jew, They are just people living in different conditions to you, They still die when you bomb their schools, mosques and hospitals, It is not because of rockets, please god can you stop it all, Im not related to the strangers on the TV, But I relate because those faces could have been me, Words can never ever explain the raw tragedy, Its not a war theyre just murdering more rapidly, We are automatically supporting pure savagery, Imagine how youd feel if it was your family, This is for Palestine, Ramallah, West Bank, Gaza, This is for the child that is searching for an answer, I wish I could take your tears and replace them with laughter, Long live Palestine, Long live Gaza, Palestine remains in my heart forever, We stand for peace, in times of war we shant surrender, Remember, it didnt start in that dark December, Every coin is a bullet, if youre Marks and Spencer, And when your sipping Coca-Cola, Thats another pistol in the holster of a soulless soldier, You say you know about the Zionist lobby, But you put money in their pocket when youre buying their coffee, Talking about revolution, sitting in Starbucks, The fact is thats the type of thinking I cant trust, Let alone even start to respect, Before you talk learn the meaning of that scarf on your neck, Forget Nestle, Obama promised Israel 30 billion over the next decade, Theyre trigger happy and theyre crazy, Think about that when youre putting Huggies nappies on your baby, This is for Palestine, Ramallah, West Bank, Gaza, This is for the child that is searching for an answer, I wish I could take your tears and replace them with laughter, Long live Palestine, Long live Gaza, This is not just a war over stolen land, Why do you think little boys are throwing stones at tanks? We will never really know how many people are dead, They drop bombs on little girls while they sleep in their beds, Dont get offended by facts, just try and listen, Nothing is more anti-Semitic than Zionism, So please dont bring bad vibes when you speak to me, I know theres plenty of Rabbis that agree with me, Its your choice what you do with this message, Dont get it confused; I view this from a truly human perspective, How many more resolutions have to be violated, How many more children have to be annihilated Israel is a terror state, there terrorists that terrorise, I testify, my television televised them telling lies, This is not a war, it is systematic genocide, But whatever they try, Palestine will never die!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 06:51:30 +0000

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