This is for someone to pass along to Christian Vance. For when he - TopicsExpress


This is for someone to pass along to Christian Vance. For when he is not busy. Sitting on the corner of the Fruit Loop. With his hat in his lap. And a sign on an art easel in front of him. While he sits indian style. Not normal Indian style? Mind you? But weird Yoga Indian style, WAY GAY Indian Style. With his hat in his lap. And his mouth open. And written on the placard on the art easel is a sign that says ONE THING! COCK! What you do from that point on. Provided you stumble across the bored Clairmont High School English Teacher? Is up to you. I do not know if that is true either? Or how much is normally expected from any strapping man. Who decides to take Chris up on his offer. Even what you do? Or for how long? Is also a point of some conjecture. So is..... What kind of Cheese Brad Emerys invisible chunk of cheese on his shoulder is? And which KGB CLassics Richie knows. While the two of them. In addition to Chris statement of COCK! Both Brad Emery and Richie Prents signs READ. Will Work For Cock! and Will Rock For Cock! Exclamation point. Exclamation point! Respectively. Someone should also inform Brad Emery. That he is a character in Bret McDonnells sit com he wrote four years ago. Too which there are eight episodes, titled MOOT MOTIONS! But in one of the first episodes of the show. Bradley Emerest. Hires the girls at Dick. Dick and Dick. To sue a television producer. Who Brads partner in this endeavor, Faud Saxyena, states under oath. That man. The Tee Vee Man. He miterated all over Mr. Emerest and myselfs establishment? Because in said episode of the show. Brad, while dressed as a PIT BOSS along with partner Saxyena. Own a gas and go mini mart just across the border on the Nevada side. That has eight slot machines at their little Oasis of fun in the sun. Along with a Gas and Go. There is a Swamis Subs and a Little Napoleon Pizzeria. The man objects too not being able to get CHANGE when he spends $17.00 on gas. And the only demonination of change he can get? Is Three Amigos Gas and Go Little Oasis of Fun in the Sun SLOT MACHINE TOKENS! So Brad and Faud hire the girls at the firm to represent them in a law suit. But again. Im not sure about the other part. Just the part about Brad being a character in something I wrote. Now whether or not it is legal. To do as I just described. Offer NO CHANGE AT ALL! And that when purchasing anything at Brads fictional location. YOU CAN ONLY GET CHANGE IN SLOT MACHINE TOKENS is also debateable. What goes on at Ashley Carpis Religious Eduction Center across the street from Ian Garys Retail shopping super center. COCKS! COCKS! And MORE COCKS. Or the Center for Spirtual Healing and the Practice and Art of Felatio. With Ashley being the high preistess. Pushing for a slow transition to RELIGION! The Felacities! I dont know? What goes on at the WOMEN only Semi Religious Education Center that Ashley Carpi Douglas is the HIGH PRIESTESS OF? Or what you can buy at Ians store. That sells nothing but Rooster and Dick stuff. I thought that Shit was an inapropriate adjective to use there? But from what I understand? Ians store has more Rooster and Dick shit than any other retail shopping location in the world. Wall to wall? COCKS! COCKS! And MORE COCKS! Rooster and Dick stuff. Aisle after aisle. Now as for my restaraunt. We are currently delaying the grand opening. In lieu of Chris Vances law suit. It seems that my restaurant is violating some civil ordinance. And we are spelling Emmmhhhhhhhhh? Wrong? My restaurant is called? What else? COCKS! Mmmmmhhhhhhh! I Cant Get Enough of Them! Our logo is of a guy wearing a Rooster hat. With his nose over a steaming bowl of some dark meat chicke dish. But right now I CAN HEAR! I CAN HEAR IN MY OFFICE CHRIS VANCE! Speaking about Goyer and bird women. Crumb and Bird women. And the FACT. That MYKNOCKS are people that have no reflection. And exist but usually only in the public imagination and the fashion industry. Because the CAST NO REFLECTION in our three dimensional perception of REALITY! But that they are real. AND THAT THEY DO PHOTOGRAPH VERY WELL! And are FLESH AND BLOOD! And that just because they do not have a reflection. Doesnt mean that they are not REAL! And that MYKNOCKS. Are usually models and or photographers. And that the joke in Empire Strikes Back. When Han Solo says the comment about.... MYKNoCKS ARE CHEWING ON THE POWER CABLE AGAIN! That is a joke. Made by Mr. Lucas. From experiences he had when he was dating Linda Rondstadt. And that one thing Myknock photographers were famous for. Simply because they are ALIENS! Myknocks in the fashion industry who are reporters! Would EAT their flash bulbs when they were flashed and trashable. What Chris Vance doesnt understand? Is that my mother Alice Damon McDonnell WAS FRIENDS WITH LINDA RONDSTADT! Not so much George Lucas. What neither Mr. Lucas understand or Chris. IS THAT MR. LUCAS was only involved in anything at all. BECAUSE HE WAS A HIGH PROFILE MEMBER OF THE LUCAS CLAN! And that my mother. Was the PRINCESS OF GLEN GARY! And I have BEEN the KING OF SCOTLAND NOW! For the last ELEVEN YEARS! HAVE BOTH OF THEM READ THIS! CHRISTIAN VANCE AND GEORGE LUCAS! IF YOU CAN MANAGE IT! I KNOW IT IS DIFFICULT! BUT YOU CAN TRY! AT THE LEAST! Bret McDonnell October 16, 2012 PS! Walla was the first person from ROYAL SECURITY to actually find the correct person. Chris Bigelow found my half sister first. Sara Burrows. But then located me after. And then Anson Wolf was the third....? And then Mindy and Crystal located me in Los Angeles after them... But where one is ROYAL SECURITY FOR SURE! Crystal. The other Mindy. Her father works in LOS ANGELS in ENTERTAINMENT SOME WHERE. Im not sure. I saw them both recently. And didnt know it was them!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 23:47:24 +0000

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