This is for the single men out there : HOW TO HOOK A LADY ON - TopicsExpress


This is for the single men out there : HOW TO HOOK A LADY ON FACEBOOK: 1.Guys avoid sending friend requests to ladieswho have so many friends. She will probably never recognise your presence, you will be reduced only to a liker or commenter . 2.Avoid comments such as lovely eyes,gorgeous etc on her best photos. U realize that you are not the only one with such comments and likes on the said pic. To attract her attention, like or comment on her not so nice photos. 3.Never write anything seductive on her wall. This annoys just. 4.Avoid writing explicit stuff in her in box. It just shows how a villager you are. Ladies on facebook dont date villagers. 5.If you have a fake profile picture, dont eventry. What are you hiding? Ladies on facebook dont usually date criminals. 6.Avoid lies such as; works at- Managing Director of Wankulukuku investments Ltd. Be yourself. The day you meet her and she asks for 15 shots of tequila, dont blame me. They prefer honest chaps. A honest toilet simer rider is more likely to hook her up than you. 7.Attract her to your page by making it interesting. Once you have her attention. Get aphone number. Reduce communication with her on facebook thereafter. 8.Clean thy wall. Things you posted in 2009 may not be the best. 9.Always be the first or last to comment on a Status. Guys in the middle of 30 comments arenegligible. If you aint the first, come back after all the other lousy guys are done. 10.When you attract her attention, utilize that opportunity to the fullest. Facebook is so fast. After a day or two, she may have probably forgotten the incident. 11.And finally, if you get the chance to meet her and she is actually not what you expected,be nice and treat her like you would have done if you had liked her. Facebook is anetwork. She will tell everyone what an A.H you are and we shall all know in a matter of minutes,
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 05:19:20 +0000

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