This is for those who are just now finding out about me being at - TopicsExpress


This is for those who are just now finding out about me being at Augusta Burn Center and this is an explanation of what happened. In the early morning hours of Oct. 15th, I was trying to sleep in my car outside of my mom and dads house, but it got down to 45 degrees that night and I started getting cold. I cranked up my car to run my heat and I usually run the foot heat which I did that night. But here is the problem. My muffler fell off several months ago, and me and some friends of mine tied it up the best we could with clothes hanger wires and I never got it repaired. Since there was a 2-inch gap or so from where the exhaust supposed to continue on down the Catalytic converters and out the rest of the tailpipe, all of the exhaust comes out, and when I am running idle you can smell the carbon monoxide fumes very strong. Even knowing this fact, I thought I could handle the fumes, but they made me go unconscious for several hours till my brother and my mom and dad found me in my car the next morning with it running and I was pouring with sweat. Plus, another thing, the socks that I was wearing when this happened were already soaked with sweat anyway. All of these factors combined caused the heater of my car to slow-cook my feet over several hours, but I dont remember anything that happened till about 48 hours later when I was in the ICU of Greenville Memorial Hospital. When I woke up, they had these hand mittens on me and had me tied down to the hospital bed so that I couldnt move. They kept asking me what my name was, if I knew where I was, and were asking me what year it was and stuff. I kept wondering why everyone kept asking me stuff like that, but later I found out from my family that I had kept on trying to pull my IV out and my wires off of my chest and saying that I had to go because I had to be at work that evening, and they said that I had no clue as to what kind of pain I was in, saying that I had even walked from the ambulance to the hospital instead of letting them carry me in on the stretcher. But as I slowly regained awareness of my surroundings, and started realizing where I was and the extent of my injuries, I was fully cooperative, but at the same time feeling so much pain and wanting to find out answers as to what happened. I stayed in Memorial for about 7 days when they released me after my parents got home from Louisiana after they had left to go out of town. I stayed at my parents house for one day, and then I reported to Augusta Burn Center. I thought it was just going to be outpatient, but they said they needed to move fast and do surgery right away. They let me come home for a few days on a Friday after having 2 surgeries, but told me that I had to come back that following Tuesday. Ive been here ever since, but it is for the best because my parents cant give me the same around-the-clock care like the nurses are able to do, and cant provide all the nutritious food and many juices and pain medications they are able to give me. Im fixing to have my 6th surgery on Tuesday morning as far as I know. Theyve amputated all 5 toes on my right foot, and half of my big toe on my left foot, and theyre fixing to take some skin off of my upper leg to use as skin grafts. My dad has been getting things taken care of as far as my disability and medicaid and other things. It could have been a lot worse than it was, and the doctors said that once I heal completely in a few months, that Ill have to go through rehabilitation to be able to walk and keep my balance, and theyll be fitting me with some prosthetic shoes that have artificial toes in them, but for now Im getting around in the wheelchair they gave me when I was in Greenville Memorial. Thanks for everyones concern. Just keep me in your thoughts and prayers, and God bless you all.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 20:52:02 +0000

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