This is for those who stare at computer for a long time. Try the - TopicsExpress


This is for those who stare at computer for a long time. Try the following ways to help relax your eyes. Increase text size: You will subject your eyes to a lot of strain if you continue to read small text and must therefore increase the size of the text you are viewing. If you are continuously viewing text online, then you can use the keyboard shortcut keys to enlarge text. Some WebPages are particularly very cramped for space and you need to magnify them to avoid any strain. You will know that you need to increase the text size if you have to always squint, stare hard or crane your neck to read the screen. You can also set the screen resolution at its high point. Do some offline reading: You need not always view all material on your computer screen online. Lengthy documents and matter can be printed out in large font size so that you can read it at your convenience and need not stare hard at the screen for an extended period of time. You can also minimize the amount of time you spend gazing at the computer screen by scanning material of interest and surfing the web selectively. Take breaks in between: Though your computer is a machine and can be put to use all day, you need to take breaks regularly. The 20-20 rule is the one you should implement where you need to take a break for 20 seconds after every 20 minutes of computer work. You can take this break by looking at an object that is about 20 feet away for those 20 seconds and that is one way your eyes would be able to get the rest and relaxation it requires. If you are in a desk job at an office then you can walk along to the water cooler to take a refreshing break every 20 minutes or you can also go to the restroom. However, ensure that you do not look at the harsh fluorescent lights as that can only make matters worse for your eyes. Adjust the angle of your monitor: The continuous act of staring at the computer monitor leads to infrequent blinking and that is not good for the eyes as they would then suffer from insufficient lubrication. This would lead to soreness, redness and a dry feeling. You can mitigate this by adjusting the angle of the computer screen such that it is below eye-level. This would ensure that you need not keep your eyes wide open and when you combine this with regular breaks, your eyes can get the relaxation they deserve. Learn to relax: Work is indeed vital but you have to ensure that it does not make you stressed out and anxious. You have to take breaks in between of both the short and long kinds so that your mind is not occupied with only work and your body too gets some chance to move. A sedentary life is not good for the body and unless you take in some fresh air, move your limbs and do some upper body exercises regularly, you will find that your body can get stiff. You can slowly rub the temples, close your eyes and practice palming and so on to enable your eyes to relax. This way you will also keep out headaches.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 17:33:37 +0000

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